Starburst Galaxy

  •  Get started

  •  Working with data

  •  Data engineering

  •  Developer tools

  •  Cluster administration

  •  Security and compliance

  •  Troubleshooting

  • Galaxy status

  •  Reference

  • Starburst Galaxy release notes #

    Starburst Galaxy is updated regularly. The following release notes provide highlights of user-facing changes available with specific new deployments.

    2024 #

    June #

    27 Jun 2024

    • Public preview support was added for using the Databricks Unity Catalog as a metastore for AWS S3 object storage catalogs.

    24 Jun 2024

    • In most cases, cluster configuration changes are now implemented without requiring a cluster restart. See the Galaxy cluster basics for more information.

    20 Jun 2024

    • The Data quality dashboard is now available as a public preview feature.
    • With the right privileges, administrators can now see the status of Galaxy’s last indexing operation for catalogs, schemas, and tables. For index error cases, administrators can initiate reindexing.

    6 Jun 2024

    • The query history pane is now the query insights pane. Use query insights to review active and completed queries from the last 30 days.

    April #

    29 Apr 2024

    9 Apr 2024

    March #

    28 Mar 2024

    • Breaking change: The Elasticsearch catalog no longer supports Elasticsearch version 6.x or OpenSearch 1.x. Update Elasticsearch to version 7.x or 8.x to continue using the catalog. To connect to OpenSearch, use the OpenSearch catalog.

    27 Mar 2024

    • Added the Network security policy feature, which appears for roles that have the Manage security privilege. This feature lets you control incoming traffic to one or more clusters by specifying a list of allowed and blocked IP addresses.

    21 Mar 2024

    • Added a new access control privilege: View data products. Granting this privilege allows roles to access the description and metadata of a data product, but not to query the underlying data.

    11 Mar 2024

    February #

    9 Feb 2024

    • Added the Allow username/password login account-level privilege, which only appears on Galaxy accounts with SSO enabled. This allows or denies a role from logging in with username and password when SSO is enabled. The privilege is enabled by default for the accountadmin and public roles.

    January #

    17 Jan 2024

    16 Jan 2024

    • The new Jobs section of the navigation menu leads to a pane where you can create a task to run SQL data maintenance statements on a recurring schedule.
    • Starburst Galaxy now supports SQL routines, which are custom user-defined functions written in SQL.

    9 Jan 2024

    • The query editor’s show SQL docs pane now has a new field, Search SQL documentation.

    2023 #

    December #

    18 Dec 2023

    • Added a new home page for all Starburst Galaxy accounts, which welcomes new users and prompts returning users to continue where they left off.

    November #

    2 Nov 2023

    • The data profiling feature at the table and view level of the catalog explorer is now generally available.
    • The query editor now has embedded SQL documentation, invoked from the Show SQL docs item in the options menu. The content is identical to the SQL documentation that is part of the overall Starburst Galaxy documentation. This is a public preview feature.

    October #

    16 Oct 2023

    September #

    15 Sep 2023

    • Added private preview support for showing data lineage in the catalog explorer to visualize the data flow between tables, views, and materialized views for workloads carried out in Starburst Galaxy.

    7 Sep 2023

    • Starburst Galaxy now supports Python DataFrames by means of the PyStarburst and Ibis Python libraries.

    5 Sep 2023

    • If editing a cluster’s configuration is initiated from a catalog explorer pane, the focus now returns to the catalog explorer instead of to the clusters pane.

    August #

    31 Aug 2023

    • For new Galaxy accounts, the name of the default example cluster is now free-cluster in place of the previous name, sample. As before, this cluster contains a catalog named sample with schemas burstbank and demo. Clusters named sample in existing accounts are not automatically renamed.
    • At the table and view level in catalog explorer, privileges were previously shown as calculated for the active role set for the current login name. Now they are shown only for the current role.
    • In the catalog explorer, a green dot next to a tab name now designates that tab as a preview feature.

    23 Aug 2023

    22 Aug 2023

    • The Starburst Galaxy UI was refreshed with new colors, fonts, and icons.
    • FTE support was updated with adaptive partitioning, which improves performance by making sure that only the largest, most complex queries allocate the full set of partitions.

    17 Aug 2023

    • In Starburst Galaxy documentation, scroll bars were added to the navigation menu and to the current page menu for tall pages.

    11 Aug 2023

    1 Aug 2023

    • Added public preview support for column masks. Add column masks to a policy to further define access control permissions by determining how a column’s value is displayed to users.

    July #

    28 July 2023

    27 July 2023

    • Clicking a tag in Access control > Tags or anywhere in the catalog explorer results in a universal search for that tag name, which shows all the places that tag is assigned.

    19 July 2023

    11 July 2023

    • Updated content of the CSV file generated by clicking Download in the Admin > Usage and billing > Usage tab to include a daily breakdown of cluster usage.

    10 July 2023

    • Added support for assigning default roles from the options menu in the Users pane.

    June #

    22 June 2023

    20 June 2023

    • Renamed global search to universal search.

    16 June 2023

    • Added support for Druid catalogs.
    • Added support for policy expirations. An expiration date and time can be added when creating or editing a policy.
    • Added public preview support for Row filters, allowing you to further define access control conditions to determine which rows of data a user can see, as part of attribute-based access control policies.

    13 June 2023

    • Added support for assigning multiple roles for Service accounts.
    • Added support for Apache Pinot catalogs.
    • Added page titles to Galaxy panes to improve navigation in browser history and to provide titles for browser tabs.
    • Improved usability and updated the look of dialogs in the Notification settings pane.
    • Fixed issue with the Asset owner checkbox in Notification settings, no longer forced to receive notifications.

    May #

    26 May 2023

    25 May 2023

    24 May 2023

    16 May 2023

    12 May 2023

    • Fixed usability issues when attempting to add a contact to the Contacts metadata field in catalog explorer panes, if the contact is not already present in the account’s list of users.

    10 May 2023

    • Added public preview support for schema discovery. Use schema discovery even on suspended clusters to find new files and changes in your object storage locations.
    • Added daily usage reports for admins in table and chart formats.

    9 May 2023

    4 May 2023

    • Added public preview support for schema-based data products. Data products provide a collection of curated, high-quality related datasets and relevant metadata.
    • Improved responsiveness and updated the look of the Cluster list.
    • Added support for MariaDB catalogs.
    • Added the ability to revoke catalog, schema, and table privileges from catalog explorer panes.

    April #

    25 Apr 2023

    • Removed support for deprecated connection formats in MongoDB catalogs.
    • Fixed an issue that caused buttons to overlap in the clusters pane on small width screens.

    20 Apr 2023

    • Added Audit log panes to the schema and table levels of the catalog explorer.
    • Replaced the Start and Stop actions for clusters with a new Enabled switch in the clusters list. The Stopped cluster state was renamed to Not enabled. See Cluster status and transitions for more information.

    18 Apr 2023

    • Fixed an issue that allowed users who were denied access to a cluster to start and stop the cluster.

    17 Apr 2023

    11 Apr 2023

    • Added Zing Data to the Connection information. Only Copy details are available. Downloading the connection file is not supported by Zing Data.
    • Added a collapse and expand icon for the results panel in the Query editor.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the display of incorrect column names in the roles and privileges pane.

    6 Apr 2023

    • Enabled case-insensitive name matching for MongoDB objects.
    • Added catalog logos to the query editor to visually indicate each cluster’s connected data sources.

    5 Apr 2023

    • Added public preview support for global search. Use global search to search through your data entities across Starburst Galaxy.
    • Added public preview support for schema, table, view, and column name auto-completion in the query editor.

    4 Apr 2023

    • Added support for AWS access key authentication to the Amazon Redshift catalog.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the Google Sheets catalog from being linked to any cluster regions.
    • Added display for the definition of schemas, tables and views in the catalog explorer.

    March #

    31 Mar 2023

    29 Mar 2023

    • Added public preview support for tags. Assign tags to entities in the catalog explorer.
    • Added public preview support for attribute-based access control policies. Combine policies and attributes, such as tags, to further manage role access to your entities.

    27 Mar 2023

    • Added support for Tabular catalogs.

    22 Mar 2023

    • In lists, the options menu moved to the right side of each row and the redundant pen icon was removed. This applies to the lists of Saved queries, Users, Roles, and service accounts.
    • Added the ability to preserve the collapsed or expanded state of nodes when switching between tabs in the query editor.
    • In the catalog explorer, selecting a node now automatically opens the detail pane for that node. Likewise, selecting a data entity in the detail pane now highlights that node in the explorer tree.

    20 Mar 2023

    • Fixed an issue that caused the Add privilege dialog to close if it opened before metadata was loaded in the catalog explorer.

    16 Mar 2023

    • The cluster explorer in the query editor no longer needs clusters to be running to expand the cluster. This lets you write a full query without a running cluster, waiting to start the cluster until you are ready to execute the query.
    • Added support for Google Sheets catalogs.

    14 Mar 2023

    February #

    27 Feb 2023

    16 Feb 2023

    • Added a View details option to the query editor options menu that opens the explorer page for the current catalog, schema, table, view, or column.

    15 Feb 2023

    10 Feb 2023

    • Fixed issue with autoscaling clusters not scaling up correctly.

    9 Feb 2023

    January #

    25 Jan 2023

    • Added a notification system shown as a bell icon in Galaxy’s banner header.

    17 Jan 2023

    6 Jan 2023

    • Added support for editing shared query access rights based on role.
    • Added auto-completion support for table aliases in the query editor.

    2022 #

    December #

    13 Dec 2022

    • Fixed behavior issue with the < Back button on the query details page.
    • Fixed bug that caused clusters to be de-selected when refreshing the edit cluster schedule page.

    8 Dec 2022

    • Changed the navigation menu to be collapsible into icons only. Submenus are still visible by hovering over an icon.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the Top tables metric to report the wrong number when grouped by queries.
    • Fixed bugs related to browser back button usage.
    • Added SSH tunnel support for Elasticsearch.

    6 Dec 2022

    • Added a warning banner to the cluster creation dialog when enabling resource intensive query processing mode.
    • Fixed bug that prevented access control rules from correctly limiting the list.
    • Fixed issue that caused the MongoDB edit connection form to fail.
    • Fixed issue that prevented users from deleting certain cluster schedules.

    November #

    28 Nov 2022

    • Added public preview support for catalog explorer, which allows users to discover data without running a cluster.

    10 Nov 2022

    8 Nov 2022

    • Fixed bug that caused the delete button to hang when deleting a custom cluster autoscale configuration.

    4 Nov 2022

    • Added read-write access to MongoDB catalogs that are configured with single node deployment or that configure replica sets across the same cloud provider region.

    1 Nov 2022

    • Added a new catalog: public preview support for Elasticsearch data platforms, including Amazon OpenSearch Service.

    October #

    25 Oct 2022

    • Fixed bug that prevented granting the same privilege to more than one entity in certain cases.

    20 Oct 2022

    • Updated the Show/Hide filters UI on the Query history panel. A date selection is now required with Today as the default. Simplified and clarified adding other filter criteria.
    • Restricted query history to 90 days back from today’s date.

    18 Oct 2022

    • Added public preview support for read-only access to existing Hudi tables in the supported cloud object stores Amazon S3, Azure ADLS, and Google Cloud.
    • Added support for connecting to MongoDB instances using an SSH tunnel to a bastion host.
    • Added a link to these release notes in the Starburst Galaxy Help menu.

    11 Oct 2022

    • Extended single sign-on support to include custom identity providers.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed creation of privileges for write operations in read-only catalogs.

    4 Oct 2022

    • Added support for Google BigQuery catalogs to read views (but not materialized views).

    September #

    29 Sep 2022

    • Added another tutorial, Federate multiple data sources that shows how to join two data sources in different catalogs with the same query.
    • Reorganized the Admin > Cloud settings panes, with new SSH tunnels sections added for both AWS and Azure.
    • Renamed the built-in metastore option for object storage catalogs to the Starburst Galaxy metastore.

    26 Sep 2022

    • Added a tutorial, Query the COVID-19 data lake that shows how to use the free research datasets provided by AWS.
    • Added support for the SQL MERGE statement.
    • Added Shared with me in the Saved queries pane that allows you to share saved queries with one or more roles for editing collaboration.

    22 Sep 2022

    • Added support for read-only Snowflake catalogs on Google Cloud.

    15 Sep 2022

    • Added a new location privilege which allows you to restrict or allow access to object storage locations.

    14 Sep 2022

    August #

    26 Aug 2022

    • Added a new catalog: public preview, read-only support for Google BigQuery warehouses.
    • Added a new catalog: public preview, support for MongoDB or MongoDB Atlas data platforms.
    • Added a Run all (limit 1000) option to the Run button so that selecting the queries to run is no longer required.

    18 Aug 2022

    • Added an onboarding workflow when signing up for a new Galaxy account that gathers information on Galaxy use cases and preferred data sources.
    • Updated the UI that manages roles and privileges to clarify the process.

    11 Aug 2022

    • Added customization of the cluster autoscaling feature from navigation menu Admin > Cluster configuration, which allows you to create a named set of minimum and maximum number or worker nodes. This is a public preview feature.

    4 Aug 2022

    2 Aug 2022

    • Added support for connecting a Snowflake database as a data source. Supported as a public preview on AWS and Azure clouds.
    • Added public preview support for schema discovery of catalogs in object store data sources only.

    July #

    30 July 2022

    28 July 2022

    • Added an option to never suspend a cluster.

    26 July 2022

    June #

    28 June 2022

    • Added support for connecting to Azure Synapse.
    • Added automatic persistence across sessions of catalog and schema selections per tab in the query editor.

    16 June 2022

    14 June 2022

    • Added support for table and view privileges and entities.
    • Added the ability for users to save queries from the query editor to a separate list of named queries.

    May #

    17 May 2022

    4 May 2022

    April #

    29 Apr 2022

    • Added autocomplete for SQL functions and inline documentation in the query editor.
    • Added dedicated Admin > Cloud settings section for AWS to manage IAM roles.

    15 Apr 2022

    • Added the ability to download a query result set directly from the query editor. Result sets with more than 1000 rows are allowed.

    March #

    22 Mar 2022

    • Added support for connecting to SQL Server data sources.

    8 Mar 2022

    • Added support for personal query history by role.
    • Added support for autocomplete SQL grammar in the query editor. Valid keywords such as SELECT, FROM, WHERE, LIKE, and others are suggested when appropriate to speed up your query writing.

    3 Mar 2022

    February #

    18 Feb 2022

    January #

    Jan 2022

    • Added support for authentication with a cross-account IAM role in S3 catalogs.

    2021 #

    Initial deployments to first public launch with cluster management, a set of supported catalogs, query editor, authentication and access control, and more.