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  • Delta Lake table format #

    Great Lakes connectivity abstracts the details of using different table formats and file types when using object storage catalogs.

    This page describes the features specific to the Delta Lake table format when used with Great Lakes connectivity.

    Specify Delta Lake format #

    Delta Lake connectivity allows querying data stored in Delta Lake tables, including Databricks Delta Lake. Delta Lake tables are automatically detected and read based on information in the storage environment’s associated metadata.

    For an object storage catalog that specifies Delta Lake as its default table format, no special syntax is required. A simple CREATE TABLE statement creates a Delta Lake format table.

    There is no format parameter for Delta Lake. To create a Delta Lake table when the default format is not Delta Lake, add type='delta' as a table property in your CREATE statement. For example:

    CREATE TABLE galaxy_delta.default.my_partitioned_table
    WITH (
      type = 'delta',
      location = 's3://my-bucket/at/this/path',
      partitioned_by = ARRAY['regionkey'],
      checkpoint_interval = 5
      SELECT name, comment, regionkey
      FROM tpch.tiny.nation;

    Table properties #

    As part of a CREATE TABLE statement, append further comma-separated table properties as needed.

    Table property Description
    partitioned_by Specifies table partitioning. If a table is partitioned by column regionkey, this property is set with partitioned_by=ARRAY['regionkey'].
    location Specifies the file system location URI for the table.
    checkpoint_interval Specifies the checkpoint interval in seconds.
    change_data_feed_enabled Enables storing change data feed entries.

    For example:

    CREATE TABLE galaxy_delta.default.my_partitioned_table
    WITH (
      type = 'delta',
      location = 's3://my-bucket/at/this/path',
      partitioned_by = ARRAY['regionkey'],
      checkpoint_interval = 5
      SELECT name, comment, regionkey
      FROM tpch.tiny.nation;

    Delta Lake metadata table #

    The $history metadata table provides a log of the metadata changes made to a Delta Lake table. Query the metadata table by appending $history to a table name:

    SELECT * FROM "galaxy_delta.default.my_partitioned_table$history";

    Table procedures #

    Use the CALL statement to perform data manipulation or administrative tasks. Procedures must include a qualified catalog name. For example, for a catalog named galaxy_delta:

    CALL galaxy_delta.system.example_procedure();

    The following Delta Lake table procedures are available:

    drop_extended_stats #

    system.drop_extended_stats('schema_name', 'table_name');

    Drops the extended statistics for a specified table in a specified schema.

    register_table #

    system.register_table('schema_name', 'table_name', 's3://bucket-name/lakehouse/data/table_name_location');

    Allows the caller to register an existing Delta Lake table in the metastore, using its existing transaction logs and data files.

    unregister_table #

    system.unregister_table('schema_name', 'table_name');

    Allows the caller to unregister an existing Delta Lake table from the metastore without deleting the data.

    vacuum #

    system.vacuum('schema_name', 'table_name', 'retention_period');

    Specify retention_period with standard SQL time period values such as '7d'.

    The vacuum procedure removes all old files that are not in the transaction log. Additionally, it removes files that are not necessary for read table snapshots newer than the current time minus the retention period defined by the retention period parameter.

    Users with INSERT and DELETE permissions on a table can run vacuum as follows:

    All parameters are required and must be presented in the following order:

    1. Schema name
    2. Table name
    3. Retention period

    Table functions #

    Your current active role must have the following privileges:

    In the navigation menu, assign the following privileges:

    Create table privileges:

    If some of the following steps are not possible after you select the role to change, that role may already have the Create table privilege.

    1. Click Access control > Roles and privileges.
    2. Click the name of the role you want to change.
    3. Click Privileges > Add privilege > Table.
    4. Click Schema.
    5. From the drop-down menu, select the catalog of interest.
    6. In the next section, either select All schemas or from the drop-down menu, select the name of the schema of interest.
    7. Select Allow.
    8. In What can they do, select Create table.
    9. Click Add privilege.

    Select create table privilege

    table_changes function privilege:

    1. Click Access control > Roles and privileges.
    2. Click the name of the role you want to change.
    3. Click Privileges > Add privilege > Function.
    4. From the drop-down menu, select the catalog of interest.
    5. Select Execute table_changes table function.
    6. Click Add privilege.

    Select create table privilege

    For more details, read about assigning privileges to roles.

    table_changes #

    The table_changes function allows reading Change Data Feed (CDF) entries to expose row-level changes between two versions of a Delta Lake table.

    When the change_data_feed_enabled table property is set to true on a specific Delta Lake table, Great Lakes connectivity records change events for all data changes made on the table after change_data_feed_enabled was enabled. This includes the row data and metadata, which indicates whether the specified row was inserted, deleted, or updated.

    The following example displays the changes made on the table:

    SELECT * FROM TABLE( catalog_name.system.table_changes( 'schema_name','table_name', since_version => 0 ));

    The optional since_version value is the version from which changes are shown. If a value is not provided, the function produces change events starting from when the table was created. The default value is 0.

    In addition to returning the columns present in the table, the table_changesfunction returns the following values for each change event:

    Name Description
    _change_type Gives the type of change that occurred. Possible values are insert, delete, update_preimage , and update_postimage.
    _commit_version Shows the table version for which the change occurred.
    _commit_timestamp Represents the timestamp for the commit in which the specified change happened.

    The commit versions can also be retrieved from the $history metadata table.

    The following SQL statements are examples of using the table_change function:

    -- CREATE TABLE with type Delta and Change Data Feed enabled:
    CREATE TABLE catalog_name.schema_name.table_name (page_url VARCHAR, domain VARCHAR, views INTEGER)
      WITH (type='delta', change_data_feed_enabled = true);
    -- INSERT data:
    INSERT INTO catalog_name.schema_name.table_name
      VALUES ('url1', 'domain1', 1), ('url2', 'domain2', 2), ('url3', 'domain1', 3);
    INSERT INTO catalog_name.schema_name.table_name
      VALUES ('url4', 'domain1', 400), ('url5', 'domain2', 500), ('url6', 'domain3', 2);
    -- UPDATE and modify data:
    UPDATE catalog_name.schema_name.table_name SET domain = 'domain4'
      WHERE views = 2;
    -- SELECT and view table changes:
    SELECT * FROM TABLE( system.table_changes('test_schema', 'pages', 1))
      ORDER BY _commit_version ASC;

    The following output from the previous SQL statements shows what changes happened in which version:

    page_url domain views _commit
    url4 domain1 400 insert 2 2023-03-10T21:22:23.000+0000
    url5 domain2 500 insert 2 2023-03-10T21:22:23.000+0000
    url6 domain3 2 insert 2 2023-03-10T21:22:23.000+0000
    url2 domain2 2 update_preimage 3 2023-03-10T22:23:24.000+0000
    url2 domain4 2 update_postimage 3 2023-03-10T22:23:24.000+0000
    url6 domain3 2 update_preimage 3 2023-03-10T22:23:24.000+0000
    url6 domain4 2 update_postimage 3 2023-03-10T22:23:24.000+0000


    The ALTER TABLE EXECUTE statement followed by a command and parameters modifies the table according to the specified procedure and parameters. For Delta Lake tables, ALTER TABLE EXECUTE supports the optimize command.

    Use the => operator for passing named parameter values. The left side is the name of the parameter and the right side is the value being passed:

    ALTER TABLE galaxy_delta.schema_name.table_name EXECUTE optimize(file_size_threshold => '10MB');

    optimize #

    The optimize procedure improves read performance by rewriting the content of a specific table to reduce the number of files. This process increases file size. If the table is partitioned, the data compaction acts separately on each partition selected for optimization.

    All files with a size below the optional file_size_threshold parameter are merged. The default value is 100MB.

    ALTER TABLE galaxy_delta.schema_name.table_name EXECUTE optimize;

    The following statement merges files in a table that are under the 10MB file size threshold:

    ALTER TABLE galaxy_delta.schema_name.table_name EXECUTE optimize(file_size_threshold => '10MB');

    Optimize specific partitions using a WHERE clause with the columns used as partition_key value.

    ALTER TABLE galaxy_delta.schema_name.table_name EXECUTE optimize
    WHERE partition_key = 1;

    Session properties #

    See session properties on the Great Lakes connectivity page to understand how these properties are used.

    The following table describes the session properties supported by the Delta Lake table format.

    Session property Description
    checkpoint_filtering_enabled Enable pruning of data file entries as well as data file statistics columns which are irrelevant for the query when reading Delta Lake checkpoint files. The default value is false.
    compression_codec The compression codec is used when writing new data files. The possible values are:
    • NONE
    • SNAPPY
    • ZSTD
    • GZIP
    The default value is SNAPPY.
    extended_statistics_enabled Enables statistics collection with the ANALYZE SQL statement and the use of extended statistics. The default value is true. The statistics_enabled session property must be set to true. Otherwise, the collection of any statistics is disabled.

    Use the ANALYZE statement to populate data size and number of distinct values (NDV) extended table statistics in Delta Lake. The minimum value, maximum value, value count, and null value count statistics are computed on the fly out of the transaction log of the Delta Lake table.
    extended_statistics_collect_ on_write Enable collection of extended statistics for write operations. The default value is true. The statistics_enabled session property must be set to true. Otherwise, the collection of any statistics is disabled.
    legacy_create_table_with_ existing_location_enabled Enable using the CREATE TABLE statement to register an existing table. The default value is true.
    max_initial_split_size Sets the initial data size for a single read section assigned to a worker. The default value is 32MB.
    max_split_size Sets the largest data size for a single read section assigned to a worker. The default value is 64MB.
    orc_writer_max_dictionary_memory The maximum dictionary memory. The default value is 16MB.
    orc_writer_max_stripe_rows The maximum stripe row count. The default value is 10000000.
    orc_writer_max_stripe_size The maximum stripe size. The default is 64B.
    orc_writer_min_stripe_size The minimum stripe size. The default value is 32MB.
    orc_writer_validate_mode The level of detail in ORC validation. The possible values are:
    • HASHED
    • BOTH
    The default value is BOTH.
    orc_writer_validate_percentage The percentage of written files to validate by rereading them. The default value is 0.
    parquet_native_zstd_ decompressor_enabled Enable using native ZSTD library for faster decompression of Parquet files. The default value is true.
    parquet_use_column_index Use the Parquet column index. The default value is true.
    remove_orphan_files_min_ retention The minimum retention for the files taken into account for removal by the remove_orphan procedure. The default value is 7d.
    timestamp_precision Specifies the precision for the timestamp columns in Hive tables. The possible values are:
    The default value is MILLISECONDS.
    use_file_size_from_metadata Use the file size stored in Iceberg metadata. The default value is true.
    vacuum_min_retention The minimum retention threshold for the files taken into account for removal by the vacuum procedure. The default value is 7d.

    Delta Lake SQL support #

    When using the Delta Lake table format with Great Lakes connectivity, the general SQL support details apply.

    Replacing tables #

    The catalog supports replacing a table, in case the table already exists, as an atomic operation. Atomic table replacement creates a new snapshot with the new table definition and keeps the existing table history (see $history metadata table).

    To replace a table, use CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE and/or CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE AS. For more information on creating tables, see CREATE TABLE and CREATE TABLE AS. These statements do not support changing table formats defined by the type table property.

    After replacement, the table definition is completely new and separate from the old table.

    For example, a table example_table can be replaced by a completely new definition:

    CREATE TABLE example_table (
        a BIGINT,
        b DATE,
        c BIGINT)
    WITH (type = 'delta');

    Use the CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE AS statement to overwrite the table content:

    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE example_table
    WITH (type = 'delta') AS
      SELECT * FROM (
          (1, DATE '2024-01-01', BIGINT '10'),
          (2, DATE '2024-01-02', BIGINT '20')
      ) AS t(a, b, c);

    Use the CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE statement to change the table definition:

    CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE example_table (
        a INT,
        b DATE,
        c BIGINT,
        d VARCHAR)
    WITH (type = 'delta');