The second level of the catalog explorer is the schema level, which contains a number of panes of information about the currently selected schema.
The header for schema level panes shows the name of the currently selected schema and a Promote to data product button. Use the youtube_searched_for reindex icon as described in Catalog indexing.
View and edit metadata associated with your schema, such as a description, associated tags, relevant web links, a list of user contacts, and the schema’s owning role.
Click the edit pencil icon to edit schema metadata. Schema metadata can only be edited by the schema’s owner. Metadata is otherwise read-only. If the schema does not have an assigned owner, ownership is inherited from the parent catalog. Tags inherited from the parent catalog are denoted by a subdirectory_arrow_right downward, right-pointing arrow preceding the tag name.
Click Show details to see an expanded view of the schema’s metadata:
Click the more_vertoptions menu to show the following options for schema level panes:
The Tables pane displays a list of tables found within the schema. and any tags applied to each. In addition, a Status column show the catalog indexing status for roles with the Manage account work privilege.
Refresh the list of tables, or search through the list by using the Refresh button on the left, or the Search tables field on the right, respectively.
Click the name of a table to open the overview page for that table.
The list of Clusters at the bottom of the Tables list shows the clusters that contain the currently selected catalog. The list shows the following information about each cluster:
The Views pane displays a list of views and materialized views found within the schema.
You can refresh the list of views, or search through the list by using the Refresh button on the left, or the Search views field on the right, respectively.
Click the name of a view for details on any schema views.
The Metrics pane displays a visual analysis of important metrics about the current catalog, schema, table, or view:
Use the Dates menu above the chart to view data for different time intervals.
Charts display the following metrics:
View the results of data quality checks or create new data quality checks in the Quality tab at the table, schema, or catalog levels of the catalog explorer. See Data quality for further information.
The Definition pane displays the results of a SHOW CREATE SCHEMA
statement for the current schema.
Click the fullscreen Expand icon to view the full query text.
The Query history page shows a list of queries that accessed this schema. Look for queries that occurred within a pre-defined date range using the Dates menu on the right.
Query history is limited to your role’s history unless your current role is
or your role has the View all query
history privilege.
Click Refresh to reload queries in the list.
The following columns are displayed:
The Audit log pane displays an audit trail of administrative actions related to this catalog and its schemas, tables, views, materialized views, and columns. Your current role must have the View audit log privilege in order to see audit log entries from all users.
The following columns are shown:
User accounts with permission to view privileges have access to the Access control pane. The Access control pane allows you to view privileges based on the currently active role.
The following columns are displayed:
Use the Add privileges button to add or remove access to a privilege:
Select a role from the menu.
By default, new privileges allow access rights, but you can click the deny switch to create a deny privilege.
Select the privileges to grant to the current role, and click the Add privileges button to save the privilege grants.
To revoke an existing privilege:
The options menu for schema-level panes in the catalog explorer includes the following features.
Set or review in-app notifications about changes to your schemas, tables, or views.
statements. It only sends
notifications about changes made using ALTER
and DROP
statements.Click the Set/View notification option in the more_vert options menu to open the Set in-app notification settings dialog.
Use the Roles drop-down menu to choose one or more roles to receive notifications.
Select the Send message to schema owner checkbox to send notifications to the asset owner in addition to the specified roles.
Starburst Galaxy captures changes made to each schema. You can review when each schema change occurred.
The Schema snapshots tab shows a list of records for the past 31 days. You can choose how many results appear in the list by changing the Rows per page.
Changes made within the past 24 hours appear in the Daily diff column. Select the link to see the most recent changes. To compare changes made during a specific date range, select up to two records, then click Compare selected records.
Use the expand_morearrow to expand and collapse each record. See what has changed, what has been added, and what has been removed.
Use the Start and End drop-down menus to compare records for different dates.
Use the Change history tab to filter change history results by table name and dates.
Select the name of a table from the Table drop-down menu and a date from the Dates drop-down menu. Available dates are Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, and Last 30 Days. Results appear in a list, which displays the following information:
The search bar correlates with the What changed column. Enter a table name or column name to narrow the result set.
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