Starburst Galaxy

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  • Google Cloud #

    This page covers configuration from Google to your Starburst Galaxy cluster.

    In addition, read more about different connectivity configuration support for Google.

    Google Cloud JSON key #

    To create a JSON-formatted service account API key for your Google Cloud account, perform the following steps:

    1. Start with a Google Cloud account.

    2. For that account, go to the Service Accounts page of the Google Cloud Console.

    3. Select or create a project to work in.

    4. Click Create service account or select an existing service account.

      a. Provide a name and description.

      b. Click Create and continue

        Service account form

      c. In Grant this service account access to project, expand Select a role. Scroll down to Project and select Owner.

      d. Click Continue.

      e. Click Done.

        Grant this service account access to projects dialog

    5. In the navigation menu, click Service accounts.

    6. Click the name of your service account.

      a. Store the email name for this service account for future use.

    7. Click the Keys tab.

      a. Click Add key > Create new key.

      b. In the resulting dialog, select JSON.

      c. Click Create.

        Service account form

      d. The new key is automatically downloaded to your computer. Look in your default Downloads folder for a file named with the pattern: service-account-name-partial-api-key.json

    8. Open the JSON file with a text editor and copy the contents. Include the curly braces.

    9. In Galaxy, paste the API key contents into the JSON key field.

    SSH tunnels #

    Securely connect to private data sources using an SSH tunnel through a bastion host.

    Learn how to set up an SSH tunnel.