A privilege granted to a role conveys the right to perform specific operations.
Learn more about the basics of adding and removing privileges on the Galaxy privileges basics page.
The sections of this page cover the different data privileges that can be managed in Starburst Galaxy. This includes privileges that can be applied to catalogs, schemas, tables, views, and columns, as well as managing access to object storage locations and the rights to execute functions and SQL UDFs.
Privileges for all Galaxy entities can be managed either using the UI or using SQL. See SQL privileges.
Management of account-level and cluster-level privileges is discussed in Account and cluster privileges.
Catalogs are identified by catalog name, and catalog names must be unique within your Starburst Galaxy account. The only privilege on a catalog is Create schema, which allows a role with that privilege to create new schemas in the catalog.
A catalog is visible to a role in any of the following situations:
When a catalog is created, the creating user is prompted to specify roles that can read from and/or write to the catalog. These roles are granted wildcard permissions on schemas and tables in the catalog.
UI privilege | SQL privilege | Grants ability to |
Create schema | CREATE_SCHEMA |
Allows creation of new schemas inside the catalog. To rename a schema, a role must own the schema in addition to having the Create schema privilege on the catalog. |
Manage table data observability | MANAGE_TABLE_DATA_OBSERVABILITY |
Create, view, and manage data quality checks. |
Schemas have names and are contained in a catalog. By default, the role that owns the catalog containing the schema also owns the schema, but you can change the schema owner in the UI and in Trino.
In SQL, you can set the owner of a schema monthly_sales
in catalog prod_data
to role sysadmin
this way:
ALTER SCHEMA prod_data.monthly_sales
You can see the current owner of a schema from the SHOW CREATE statement:
SHOW CREATE SCHEMA prod_data.monthly_sales
A schema can contain one or more tables and/or views.
UI privilege | SQL privilege | Grants ability to |
Create table | CREATE_TABLE |
Allows creation of new tables inside a schema within a catalog. To rename a table, a role must own the table in addition to having the Create table privilege on the schema. |
Tables have names, and are contained in a schema, which in turn is contained in a catalog. Tables may also have owners. Ownership of a table is automatically assigned to the creating role when the table is created using Galaxy, but if the table was created outside of Galaxy it does not have an explicit owner. If there is no explicitly specified role owning the table, then the role owning the table is the one that owns the schema. Similarly, if there is no explicitly specified role which owns the schema, then the role owning the catalog owns the table.
Tables have the following privileges that can be granted either with SQL commands or in the Starburst Galaxy UI:
UI privilege | SQL privilege | Grants ability to |
Select from table | SELECT |
Allows selection of columns from the table. |
Insert into table | INSERT |
Allows insertion of new rows in the table. |
Update table rows | UPDATE |
Allows update of rows in the table. |
Delete from table | DELETE |
Allows deletion of rows in the table. |
Privileges for views and materialized views follow the same semantics as tables, with minor differences. The following details apply for views:
outside of Galaxy are
executed as expected in Galaxy. The view is run with the set of
permissions granted to the currently executing role. Views created with
are executed with the permissions of the view owner as
that owner is specified in Galaxy.Because of this, views created with SECURITY DEFINER
outside of
Galaxy do not execute until you define an owning role for the view.
You must explicitly set an owning role using the
UI or with a SQL
statement like the following:
For example, for a view june_sales
in schema monthly_sales
in catalog prod_data
, set the owner to role sysadmin
as follows:
ALTER VIEW prod_data.monthly_sales.june_sales
views do not assume an owning role because that could
result in a privilege escalation. The SECURITY DEFINER
syntax restricts the
permissions with which a view can be run. If that view is defined in a system
outside of Galaxy, then Galaxy cannot make any assumptions
about the roles that can be used to execute the view. The outside system and
Galaxy have separate security domains. This is why Starburst Galaxy
requires the user to explicitly set the owning role for views.
statement on the above prod_data.monthly_sales.june_sales
where sysadmin
is the view owner:
, the querying role must have
access on the view in addition to any tables the view was
, sysadmin
is the role
executing the query. Because of this, the role querying the view must have
access on the view, but sysadmin
must also have
on all tables the view was created from. If not,
this could represent a privilege escalation. Unless sysadmin
on the underlying tables, it could grant table access to
others it should not have the authority to by creating a view.SELECT WITH GRANT OPTION
is not required on SECURITY DEFINER
views when
the role running the query has the view owner’s role in its
active role set.The Column privilege grants SELECT
privileges to a column
within a table. This privilege is commonly used to deny access to a column,
specifically a column containing sensitive financial or personal identifying
If a query is run on a table that has columns on which SELECT
is denied, those
columns are omitted from the result set.
To grant a SELECT
privilege, a role in the active role set must
have a table-level grant of the same privilege with grant option.
The location privilege applies only to object storage catalogs. Use this privilege to restrict creating or altering objects in unexpected object storage locations outside the configured default location of the current catalog.
Your cloud provider credentials, such as an IAM role or AWS key for S3 catalogs, may have broad access rights to multiple locations. If you provide these credentials when creating a catalog for a narrow location, users connecting to that catalog may have the inadvertently granted right to make changes outside that narrow location.
Let’s say you create a catalog to access the S3 location
, but you create the catalog with an AWS key
that has write rights throughout all of s3://bucket-name/*
. This allows
anyone connecting to this catalog to create, for example,
If you set the location privilege for a role to
, you restrict creation or alteration of
schemas or tables to the folder-name
location only for that role.
The location privilege is only verified for CREATE
operations of a table or schema, because these are the only operations capable
of creating objects outside the default location of the catalog. If that
operation is within the configured location of the catalog, the catalog
privileges and schema privileges are also
The location privilege is not checked for SELECT
operations on object storage tables, where table
privileges manage access instead.
A single location privilege is available to grant to any role:
UI privilege | SQL privilege | Grants ability to |
Restricts creation or alteration of schemas or tables to only within the specified location. |
The location privilege can only be set with the Starburst Galaxy UI, and not with a SQL command. The Create SQL privilege does not correspond to any SQL statement.
When you select the Location button, Galaxy prompts you to enter an object storage URI. Use a format similar to the following examples, and adapted to your object storage URI pattern and naming:
The Create schema and table in location checkbox and Save privileges
button do not activate until you enter a URI with a valid format ending with
. However, Galaxy does not check the specified URI’s location
for validity.
Function privileges allow you to control access to table functions in specific catalogs and for specific roles.
UI privilege | SQL privilege | Grants ability to |
Execute function | EXECUTE |
Allows this role to run the named table function for the selected catalog. For SQL UDFs, allows the named UDF to be run in any catalog in this account. Specify the privilege for each function or UDF separately. |
The query
or raw_query
query pass-through table functions are available in
the following catalogs:
By default, access to these functions is disabled.
Query pass-through allows you to use the native query language of the underlying data source to compose a query string, and pass it directly to the data source as argument for a table function. This query needs to return a table as result set of at least one column with one value:
example.system.query(query =>
The invocation references the catalog name example
and accesses the query
in the system
schema. The query
and raw_query
table functions
are always located in the system
schema. The supplied query_string
in the
native query language must be valid in the data source. It is typically the SQL
dialect of the database, but can also be another query language such as the
Elasticsearch Query DL in the case of an Elasticsearch data source. The native
query returns a table, which in turn can be used in the containing SQL query
like any other table reference. In the preceding example, all columns and rows
of the table are returned as provided by the table function, due to the
The sheet
table function is available in the Google
By default, the function privilege catalog-name.system.sheet
is automatically
created and the Execute sheet table function selection is enabled when you
create the catalog.
The sheet
table function allows you to query a sheet directly without
specifying it as a named table in the metadata sheet:
sheet(id, range) => table
For usage examples, see How to use the Google Sheets catalog on the Google Sheets catalog page.
The View data product privilege lets you grant a role access to view the description details of an individual data product, but not to query the underlying schema.
This privilege is useful for cases where a role lacks the Select from table privilege for the schema that forms the basis of a data product. In this case, the role cannot see the data product or query it, or query the schema directly. This privilege lets you partially override this limitation to allow roles to see that the data product exists, but not query it without being added to a different role that has the Select from table privilege for the underlying schema.
Note that adding this privilege to a role that has or inherits the Select from
table privilege does not remove the ability to query the data product. Only
when a data product’s schema is not selectable is the data product invisible.
To render a data product invisible to a role, you might need to remove
the Select from table privilege from the public
role, whose privileges
most other roles inherit.
A single privilege in the data products category is available to grant to any role:
UI privilege | SQL privilege | Grants ability to |
View data product | VIEW_DATA_PRODUCT |
If a role does not have the Select from table privilege for a schema, any data product based on that schema is not visible to that role. This View data product privilege lets the role see but not query a data product. Specify the privilege individually per named data product. This privilege grants a role access to the metadata for a specific data product in this account, if the role otherwise lacks the privilege to interact with the data product's schema. |
Wildcard permissions are useful for catalogs managed outside of Starburst Galaxy, as they define privileges on tables and schemas that do not exist yet.
Many catalogs have large numbers of schemas and tables, and it is not practical to grant privileges on each one individually. Instead, wildcard privilege grants can be used to grant privileges on every table in a specific schema or catalog. Wildcard privileges are supported only for schema and table entities.
Tables are identified by the name of a catalog, the name of a schema contained
in the catalog, and the name of a table within the schema. Table june_sales
schema monthly_sales
in catalog prod_data
is represented as
Tables support privileges to SELECT, INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE the table. A
table wildcard represents either all tables in a catalog regardless of the
schema name, or all tables in a specific schema inside a catalog. A grant of
SELECT on any table contained in any schema in the catalog prod_data
denoted as prod_data.*.*
. Similarly, a grant of SELECT on any table in schema
in catalog prod_data
is denoted by
You can grant wildcard table privileges using the UI Add privileges dialog.
Alternatively, you can grant wildcard table privileges using SQL. A grant of
SELECT on all tables in all schemas in catalog prod_data
to role
looks like:
GRANT SELECT ON "prod_data"."*"."*" TO ROLE read_only_users
The schema and table wildcards must be in double quotes because *
has special
meaning in SQL.
Similarly, a grant of SELECT on all tables in schema monthly_sales
catalog prod_data
to role read_only_users
looks like:
GRANT SELECT ON "prod_data.monthly_sales"."*" to ROLE read_only_users
You can create exceptions to wildcard table grants using deny table
grants. Suppose a role has received a wildcard grant of SELECT on
, allowing SELECT on any table in any schema in catalog
. If the role is denied the SELECT for wildcard
, all tables in schema monthly_sales
will be
inaccessible to that role no matter what other grants the role has received.
Schemas support just one privilege – Create table. A schema wildcard
consists of a catalog name and a schema name of *
. If the name of the catalog
is prod_data
, a grant of CREATE_TABLE to schema prod_data.*
grants the
privilege CREATE_TABLE on all schemas in catalog prod_data
to a role. This is
done in the UI in the Add privileges dialog.
You can grant Create table to a role in Trino:
GRANT CREATE ON SCHEMA "prod_data.*" TO ROLE prod_maintainer_role
You can create exceptions to a wildcard schema privilege grant by creating deny
privilege grants in both the UI and in SQL. Given a grant of
CREATE_TABLE to all schemas in catalog prod_data
, denoted by prod_data.*
granting a deny privilege for schema prod_data.monthly_sales
to the role
creates an exception that denies the schema privilege CREATE_TABLE on schema
to the role.
Catalog creation includes an optional step to assign read only access for a
catalog. You can achieve the same behavior by creating a wildcard privilege for
all schemas and tables in a catalog mycatalog.*.*
that grants the SELECT
Catalog creation includes an optional step to assign full read and write access for a catalog. You can achieve the same behavior with the following setup:
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