Starburst Galaxy

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  • AWS PrivateLink for RDS #

    Use the following steps to securely connect your Galaxy cluster to your AWS RDS instances using AWS PrivateLink. These steps also apply to the same databases deployed on an AWS EC2 instance.

    You must work with a Starburst technical resource to complete your PrivateLink configuration. Contact your account team for more information.

    In the AWS console, create the following:

    Create a target group #

    1. Go to the EC2 Console.

    2. Create a new target group for your RDS instance. For assistance, see the AWS documentation.

    Create a load balancer #

    1. Go to the EC2 Console.

    2. Create a new network load balancer for your RDS instance. For assistance, see the AWS documentation.

    Create an endpoint service #

    1. Go to the VPC Console.

    2. Create a new endpoint service for your RDS instance. For assistance, see the AWS documentation.

    3. In the Allow principals tab, add the Starburst Galaxy ARN arn:aws:iam::179619298502:root to the list.

    As the final step, contact your Starburst account team to complete your PrivateLink configuration.