Starburst Galaxy

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  • AWS PrivateLink for on-prem data source #

    Use the following steps to securely connect your Galaxy cluster to your on-prem data source using AWS PrivateLink.

    You must work with a Starburst technical resource to complete your PrivateLink configuration. Contact your account team for more information.

    In the AWS console, create the following:

    Create a target group #

    1. Go to the EC2 Console.

    2. Create a new target group for your on-prem data source. For assistance, see the AWS documentation.

    Create a load balancer #

    1. Go to the EC2 Console.

    2. Create a new network load balancer for your on-prem data source. For assistance, see the AWS documentation.

    Create an endpoint service #

    1. Go to the VPC Console.

    2. Create a new endpoint service for your on-prem data source. For assistance, see the AWS documentation.

    3. In the Allow principals tab, add the Starburst Galaxy ARN arn:aws:iam::179619298502:root to the list.

    As the final step, contact your Starburst account team to complete your PrivateLink configuration.