Starburst Galaxy

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  • Write SQL statements #

    The query editor offers a full environment to write and execute SQL statements.

    To write SQL statements, go to the query editor by clicking Query > Query editor in the navigation menu, and complete the following steps:

    1. In the query editor use an existing tab or create a new one by clicking the addbutton at the end of the tab row.
    2. Use the location drop-down menus to specify a cluster, catalog, and schema. These settings persist for each tab separately, and are restored when you reopen a saved query editor tab. Federate data from other catalogs by specifying their fully qualified table name.
    3. Write your SQL statements. Each SQL statement must end in a semicolon. A statement with a missing semicolon does not run and prevents any statements below it from running.

    Auto-completion #

    The query editor can predict how to complete statements, most function names, and the names of your schemas, tables, views, materialized views, and columns. As you type, it presents a dialog that suggests several ways to complete the command or function you started. Select an option and press the Tab key to accept one of the options, or keep typing to close the dialog.

    Query editor autocomplete

    When you have completed writing your statement, run it.

    Learn more #