Starburst Galaxy

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  • Manage catalogs #

    You can create, view, and manage catalogs in the Catalogs pane. To access the Catalogs pane, click Data > Catalogs in the navigation menu.

    This pane also provides the starting point to access the catalog explorer, which allows you to browse through any catalog’s metadata.

    Catalog list view #

    The list of catalogs displays the following information about each catalog:

    • Name: The name of the catalog.
    • Index status: This column shows the catalog indexing status for roles with the Manage account work privilege. verified means catalog indexing completed without errors. release_alert indicates an indexing error.
    • Kind: The data source type, such as Amazon S3.
    • Description: The description provided for the catalog, if any.
    • Cloud: The cloud service provider.
    • Region: The cloud service provider region.
    • Tags: Any tags assigned to this catalog. Click the plus sign in the Tags column to add or remove tags.
    • The more_vert options menu, containing further actions.

    The default sort order is by Name, alphabetically ascending. Click any column heading to sort the list; click the heading again to reverse the sort order. The up arrow_upward or down arrow_downward arrows show ascending or descending sort order.

    Catalog grid view #

    In grid view, each catalog card displays the following information:

    • Name: The name of the catalog.
    • Description: The description provided for the catalog, if any.
    • Cloud: The cloud service provider.
    • Region: The cloud service provider region.
    • Tags: Any tags assigned to this catalog. Click the plus sign to add or remove tags.
    • The more_vert options menu, containing further actions.
    • If the catalog is read-only, a lock Read-only label appears above the catalog name.

    The sort order is by Name, alphabetically descending.

    Create a catalog #

    To create a new catalog, click Create catalog. The new catalog appears in the list of catalogs.

    Search catalogs #

    Use the search field to narrow the list of catalogs to those that match a search string in the name, kind, or description columns.

    Edit a catalog #

    You can edit a catalog’s configuration details on the Edit catalog pane. To access the editing pane, click the more_vert options menu, then Edit configuration. The same editing options are available during the catalog creation process.

    Change owner #

    To change the owner of the catalog to a different role, click the more_vert options menu, then Change owner.

    Delete a catalog #

    To delete a catalog, click the more_vert options menu, then Delete catalog.

    Add a catalog to a cluster #

    Once you have configured a catalog, add it to a cluster to query the data source. You have the option to add a catalog to a cluster during the catalog configuration process or later using the Edit cluster option.