Profile and settings #
Click the down arrow on the
right of your login name in the Starburst Galaxy banner to perform one of these
- Switch your current role to another assigned role
- Change your user profile settings
Log out
Roles are displayed in a column and are organized alphabetically. The current
role is highlighted. Select the name of a different assigned role to switch the
current role. Click Show all to show all of the current user’s available
There are two ways to open the user profile settings dialog:
- Click the down arrow on the
right of your login name in the Galaxy banner, then select
Profile & settings.
- Click the Edit profile link on the Galaxy home
The following fields are available:
- Display name: The name displayed for the current logged-in user on the
Galaxy home page.
- First name: The first name for the user.
- Last name: The last name for the user.
- Email: The email address associated with the user account. This field
cannot be edited.
- Password: The password for the user. Click Change password to save a
new password.
- Default role: The default role for the user. Select a role from the
drop-down menu and click Make Default to save your changes.
Click Save to save your changes and close the dialog.
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