Starburst Galaxy

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  • Object storage catalogs #

    Object storage is a data storage mechanism that organizes data as objects rather than as blocks and sectors or as file systems. Each object is associated with metadata and a globally unique identifier.

    The benefits of object storage are scalability, durability, and the ability to handle large amounts of structured or unstructured data. For structured data, object storage is typically organized as one or more table formats, such as Hive, Iceberg, Delta Lake, or Hudi. In Starburst Galaxy, access to structured object storage is mediated through Great Lakes connectivity instead of directly to a table format.

    A catalog contains the configuration that allows Starburst Galaxy to access a data source. Read more information about catalogs on the Catalogs overview page.

    Access to create and manage catalogs is provided through the Data > Catalogs item in the navigation menu.

    Starburst Galaxy supports access to the following object storage systems:

    Starburst Galaxy also supports systems that provide access to the Iceberg table format through its REST API, including Tabular. Support for Polaris is expected in 2024.

    Other useful resources: