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  • Save and reuse queries #

    Tabs created in the query editor, and any queries that exist on the tab, are automatically stored in Saved queries.

    Click Query > Saved queries in the navigation menu to view and manage your saved query tabs, which are stored under the following saved query tabs:

    • Recent: Lists all query tabs created in the past seven days.
    • My saved queries: Lists all query tabs including renamed tabs.
    • Shared with me: Lists any query tabs that another user has granted the active user access to.

    The entries in My saved queries match your current login name, regardless of your currently selected role. The entries in Shared with me are based on your currently selected role, which can include access inherited from another role. The total count of entries in those tab titles reflect the number of entries you can see in each tab.

    Manage your saved queries from the list on any tab.

    Saved queries page, recent tab

    Manage saved queries #

    This section shows you how to save, find, sort, edit, and delete query tabs.

    Save a new query editor tab #

    On the Recent or My saved queries tab, click Create new query. On the new query editor tab, write a new query. The tab is automatically saved in the Saved queries list along with any queries that exist on the query tab.

    Search query tabs #

    Use the search bar on any tab to search the list of query tabs on that tab by query tab name.

    Saved queries page, search field on recent tab

    Sort query lists #

    By default, the most recent or recently edited query editor tabs are at the top of the list. To reorder the query tab list, use the Last updated column.

    Change a query editor tab name #

    The My saved queries tab displays a list of named query tabs and timestamped, auto-saved query tabs. Timestamped query tabs disappear from the My saved queries list after seven days. To save your queries beyond seven days, you must change the query tab name.

    Renamed query tabs remain in the Recent list for an additional seven days. After seven days, newly named query tabs appear in the My saved queries list until you delete the saved query tab.

    You can rename any tab still open in the query editor. Closed tabs remain available in the Recent list and in the Saved queries list for seven days.

    To rename a query tab from the Recent, Saved queries, or Shared with me tab, follow these steps:

    • Locate the query tab in the query tab list.
    • Click themore_vertoptions menu at the end of the row, and select Change name.
    • In the Change query name dialog, change the name in the Name field.
    • Click Save changes.

    Delete a query editor tab #

    You can delete a query tab from the Recent or My saved queries list. Only the owner of a shared query editor tab can delete query tabs from the Shared with me list. Once a query tab is deleted, the tab and the tab contents cannot be restored. Deleting a timestamped or named query tab from the Recent list also deletes it from the My saved queries list.

    To delete a query, follow these steps:

    • Locate the query tab in a query tab list.
    • Click themore_vertoptions menu at the end of the row.
    • SelectdeleteDelete.
    • In the Delete query dialog, click Yes, delete.

    Edit a saved query tab #

    To edit a saved query in the query editor:

    • Locate the query tab in a query tab list.
    • From themore_vertoptions menu for that query’s row, select code Open to display the query in its existing query editor tab. If there is no open editor tab for that query, a new one is created.

    Preview a query #

    To preview a query:

    • Locate the query tab in a query tab list.
    • From themore_vertoptions menu for that query’s row, select visibility Preview to display the query in a dialog. The Preview query dialog has the following options:

      • Click Open in editor to display the query in its existing tab in the query editor. If the tab where that query exists is not open in the query editor, a new one is created.
      • Click Close to exit the preview dialog.

      Saved queries page, Preview queries dialog

    Learn more #