Try Starburst Enterprise with Tarball #

You can install Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) on 64-bit installations of RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) with the tar.gz archive (tarball).

The tarball includes the application and all plugins. However, unlike the RPM installation method, this archive does not include any default configuration settings, and the server is not configured to start as a service. You must add all configuration options as desired.

We strongly recommend starting with a trial of Starburst Galaxy, before contacting us to deploy a trial of SEP. Sign up here to start a free trial of Starburst Galaxy.

Find more information in our deployment options guide.

You can install the SEP archive with the following steps:

  1. Download the most recent SEP tarball.
  2. Unpack the archive as root.
  3. Add configuration files.
  4. Start the SEP server with the launcher script.
  5. Download any supported client tool.

Prerequisites #

Starburst Enterprise is only supported on RHEL. For evaluation purposes and at your own risk, you may install on macOS or any other Linux distribution that:

  • Is no more than a few years old
  • Runs on 64-bit Intel or ARM hardware
  • Has Python 2.7 or later, needed to run the launcher utility.
  • Has Java 17.0.3 or a later Java 17 LTS release from Azul, OpenJDK, or Oracle Java distributions. Newer Java releases may work but are not tested or supported.

Install Java #

Installation of Java varies for each Linux distribution. You can verify the currently installed version available on the path with the following command:

java -version

Check out the instruction on our RPM guide for an example.

Install Python #

Installation of Python varies for each Linux distribution. You can verify the currently installed version available on the path with the following command:

python --version

Check out the instruction on our RPM guide for an example.

Download an SEP archive #

To gain access to SEP archives, existing customers contact Starburst Support. If you are not a customer yet, visit the Starburst website and click either the Get Started or Download Free buttons.

This opens a dialog that prompts for your name, email address, and location. Fill out the form using a valid email address, then click Free Download.

Open your email from Starburst and click the link to the downloads page.

The Downloads page is organized into a Long-Term Support section at the top with Steps 1 and 2, and a Short-Term Support section at the bottom. Use the LTS buttons.

From the Step 1: Starburst Enterprise section, click the Tarball button. This starts the download of a file named with the pattern starburst-enterprise-*.tar.gz. If prompted to open or save the file, save it to your /home/<username>/Downloads directory.

Next, from the Step 2: Client applications section, click the CLI button. This starts the download of trino-cli-*-.executable.jar; if prompted, save it to your /home/<username>/Downloads directory for later use.

Unpack the archive #

First, while in your downloads directory, create an empty target directory. This new directory will be known as the installation directory. If you choose to make your installation directory in an operating system protected directory such as /opt, you must use sudo to run commands. For example:

cd /home/<username>/Downloads
sudo mkdir /opt/starburst

Move the tarball to the target directory:

sudo mv starburst-enterprise-*.tar.gz /opt/starburst

Extract the contents of the tarball without its container directory into the new target directory. You can replace the asterisk (*) in the file name with the version of SEP that you downloaded, such as 356-e.1. The command works as shown, without the version string. The contents of the tarball include a top-level container directory. The --strip 1 option in the tar command shown here strips that container directory off.

cd /opt/starburst
sudo tar xvzf ./starburst-enterprise-*.tar.gz --strip 1

Inspect the new /opt/starburst directory. It contains two top-level files and four directories:

  • README.txt
  • bin contains the launcher script to start and stop the server and its support files
  • lib contains various libraries needed to run the product
  • plugin contains libraries used by individual connectors
  • third-party

Add configuration files #

Even a small SEP server must have a minimum set of configuration files before it can start. To add those files, create a directory in /opt/starburst named etc, parallel to bin and lib. Populate etc with the following configuration files, using contents suggested in Configuring Trino.
Follow the sample in Node properties. For the line, the suggested value production has no special meaning; use any value, such as test.
Follow the sample and memory recommendations in JVM config. Make sure you are viewing the deployment page that matches the SEP version you downloaded, then use the suggested text verbatim. An exception is to adjust the -XmX value as appropriate for your test environment.
Follow the sample in Config properties. Use the third example in that section to specify a combined coordinator and worker machine.
catalog property files
Create a subdirectory etc/catalog. In the catalog subdirectory, create the following files, each containing a single line of text. See Catalog properties for guidance.
File name Contents

Start on Configure and define catalogs to learn more about the relationship between data sources, catalogs, and connectors.

Alternate configuration files #

Another way to get started quickly is to use the set of configuration files provided as examples for the O’Reilly book Trino: The Definitive Guide.

To use these ready-to-use configuration files, download the samples from their GitHub location either as a zip file or a Git clone. Let’s say you place your clone or unzip directory in /home/<username>/bookfiles.

From bookfiles, copy the entire etc directory from the single-installation sample folder to your installation directory. For example:

cd /home/<username>/bookfiles/single-installation
sudo rsync -av etc /opt/starburst

Start the server #

Once configuration files are in place, start the server. From the installation directory, for example /opt/starburst, run the following command:

sudo ./bin/launcher start

For a successful server start, the launcher script returns a process ID. Check the server’s status to make sure the server finished its startup process:

sudo ./bin/launcher status

As an alternative, look for the exact phrase SERVER STARTED in the var/log/server.log file:

grep "SERVER STARTED" <installation>/var/log/server.log

Verify the server #

To verify that your locally-run server is operating as expected, open the web UI as described in Verify the server.

Run queries #

To run queries against your server, use the Trino CLI as described in CLI.