Release 462-e LTS (27 November 2024)#

Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) 462-e LTS is the follow up release to the 458-e STS release and the 453-e LTS release.

This release is a promotion of the original 462-e STS release in November 2024 into a long term support (LTS) release.

It contains all improvements from Starburst Enterprise releases since the 453-e LTS release:

It includes all improvements from the following Trino releases:

Highlights since 453-e#

Breaking changes#

  • Legacy file system support for all catalogs has been disabled by default. You must activate the desired file system support with fs.native-azure.enabled,fs.native-gcs.enabled, fs.native-s3.enabled, or fs.hadoop.enabled in each catalog. Use the migration guides for Azure Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and S3 to assist if you have not switched from legacy support.

  • Starburst Helm charts are no longer accessible through the ChartMuseum API. Instead, use the OCI API.

  • Secrets configuration provider setup has been updated to use secrets.toml files. The configuration-provider.config-files property is no longer supported. You must update your configuration to use secrets.toml files.

  • The query.low-memory-killer.delay configuration property has been removed. You must remove this property or the cluster fails to start.

  • The following changes have been made to Ranger access control:

    The ranger-system-access-control value for has been deprecated and renamed to legacy-ranger-system-access-control.

    The hive-based-ranger-system-access-control access control option has been renamed to hive-based-ranger.

    The ranger value for the and catalog configuration properties has been deprecated and renamed to and respectively.

    It is recommended that you migrate to the new configuration in anticipation of the removal of the deprecated properties.

  • The CFT property S3PinToCurrentRegion is no longer supported.

  • The following connectors have been removed:

    • Local file

    • Atop

    • Raptor

  • The snowflake.database configuration property is now required if snowflake.database-prefix-for-schema.enabled is set to false, which is the default value. You must update existing Snowflake catalog configurations or the cluster fails to start.

  • The Glue V2 REST interface is now used by default, which does not support the following configuration properties:

    • hive.metastore-cache.cache-partitions

    • hive.metastore-cache.cache-missing

    • hive.metastore-cache.cache-missing-partitions

    • hive.metastore-cache.cache-missing-stats

    To continue using these properties, the old implementation can be temporarily restored by setting the hive.metastore catalog configuration property to glue-v1.

  • 462-e fixed a failure that could cause some complex queries to fail due to predicates being evaluated in the incorrect order. As a result, the performance of some complex queries could be negatively affected. While a long term fix is in development, set the optimizer.allow-unsafe-pushdown=true configuration property or the corresponding allow_unsafe_pushdown=true session property to mitigate the performance impact on queries with complex joins.

462-e initial changes#


  • The Starburst Enterprise .rpm and .tar artifacts are now bundled with the Eclipse Temurin OpenJDK distribution from Adoptium, removing the requirement for a separate installation of Java for SEP.

  • Released Query result caching in general availability.

  • Added support for configuring a background job to delete expired result cache entries.

  • Added support for user-assigned managed identities in Azure Kubernetes Service.

  • Updated Schema discovery UI to show table format information prior to scanning.

  • Fixed an issue that caused publishing data products to fail due to long SQL statements.

  • Fixed an issue with changing resource group templates in Workload management.

Hive connector#

Iceberg connector#

Oracle connector#

Teradata connector#

  • Added support for CAST pushdowns of temporal types.

462-e.1 changes (27 November 2024)#

  • Added support for projection pushdown of upper, lower, trim, and substring functions in the Teradata connectors.

  • Improved performance when using various string functions in queries involving joins.

  • Updated Iceberg connector migration procedure to use nullable columns by default.

  • Fixed issue that printed unprocessed user input in server error responses.

  • Fixed missing security checks on SQL statements for schema discovery.

  • Fixed insert of invalid time zone data for tables using the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type

  • Fixed incorrect results for queries filtering on partition columns when the NAME column mapping mode is used.

  • Fixed Hive query failures using Hive impersonation with delegated authentication.

462-e.2 changes (13 Dec 2024)#

  • Updated query result caching to use session property managers to resolve session property defaults and ensure that they are consistently applied.

  • Removed deprecated RubiX cache from SEP Helm chart.

  • Fixed query failures on impersonated Hive during delegated authentication checks.

  • Fixed incorrect column length of VARCHAR type in SingleStore version 8.

  • Fixed incorrect results when reading array columns and bigquery.arrow-serialization.enabled is set to true.

  • Fixed failure of S3 file listing of buckets that enforce requester pays.

  • Fixed incorrect quoting of output values when the CSV_UNQUOTED or CSV_HEADER_UNQUOTED format is used.

462-e.3 changes (15 Jan 2025)#

  • Starburst Helm charts are no longer accessible through the ChartMuseum API. Instead, use the OCI API.

  • Updated OpenSSL and libcurl native dependencies in Teradata Direct table operator.

  • Restored missing Kerberos support to Cassandra connector.

  • Fixed issue with hanging queries in Teradata Direct connector.

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect results for queries containing partition predicates with checkpoints that use NAME column mapping.

  • Fixed query failures or missing statistics in SHOW STATS when a connector returns NaN values for table statistics.

  • Fixed failure when writing concurrently with transformed partition columns.

  • Fixed an issue where Unity metastore returned an exception when attempting to list tables for a non-existent schema.

  • Fixed startup failure for Ranger 2.5.0 on Oracle database.

  • Prevented some query failures when retry-policy is set to task.

  • Fixed a bug that caused querying issues in the query editor when results cache is enabled.

  • Fixed correctness issue when writing deletion vectors in Delta Lake.

  • Fixed correctness issue when reading deletion vectors in Delta Lake.

  • Fixed failures when redirecting from incomplete or invalid Delta Lake tables.

462-e.4 changes (5 Feb 2025)#

  • Fixed a bug when reading from Spark-managed Iceberg tables with nested columns.

  • Fixed an issue that caused button height to fluctuate in dialogs during actions in progress.

462-e.5 changes (19 Feb 2025)#

  • Added support for configuring multiple Hive-based Ranger access controls.

  • Fixed serialization error when getting results containing ROW type for the query results cache.

  • Fixed parsing of negative hexadecimal, octal, and binary numeric literals.

  • Fixed failures with recursive delete operations on S3Express preventing usage of fault-tolerant execution.

  • Fixed failures when using the spooling protocol with a cluster using its own certificate chain.

  • Fixed failure when updating values to NULL.

  • Fixed catalog information in JMX metrics when using file system caching with multiple catalogs.

  • Fixed table read failures when using the Alluxio file system.

  • Prevented connection leakage when using the Azure Storage file system.

462-e.6 changes (28 Feb 2025)#

  • Fixed failure when executing CREATE OR REPLACE MATERIALIZED VIEW.

  • Fixed failure when using upper case variable names in SQL user-defined functions.

  • Fixed failures of the array_histogram() function when the input contains null values.

  • Fixed potential table corruption when using the vacuum procedure in Delta Lake.

  • Fixed NullPointerException when listing tables on Glue.