Release 453-e LTS (30 Aug 2024)#

Starburst Enterprise platform (SEP) 453-e LTS is the follow up release to the 451-e STS release and the 443-e LTS release.

This release is a promotion of the original 453-e STS release in August 2024 into a long term support (LTS) release.

It contains all improvements from Starburst Enterprise releases since the 443-e LTS release:

It includes all improvements from the following Trino releases:

Highlights since 443-e#

Breaking Changes#

  • SEP now requires JDK 22 to run.

  • The following configuration properties and catalog configuration properties have been removed. These properties must be removed from all configurations or the cluster fails to start:

    • delta.max-initial-splits

    • delta.max-initial-split-size

    • legacy.materialized-view-grace-period

  • The PARTITION_COLUMN and PARTITION_VALUE arguments for the flush_metadata_cache procedure of the Hive connector have been renamed to PARTITION_COLUMNS and PARTITION_VALUES, respectively. The old argument names no longer work.

  • The BigQuery connector now enables Arrow serializaion by default, which requires a JVM configuration. You must either add --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED to your jvm.config or set the bigquery.arrow-serialization.enabled catalog configuration property to false in your BigQuery catalog configurations.

  • Phoenix versions 5.1.x and earlier are no longer supported by the Phoenix connector.

  • The Warp Speed REST API is no longer enabled by default. To enable the Warp Speed REST API, set warp-speed.config.extensions.enabled=true.

  • Warp Speed custom warmup rules are no longer stored in an external RDBMS. Warmup rules are now saved in object storage in a location specified in In order to allow an existing warmup configuration to continue uninterrupted, you must export any existing rules from the external database and import them to object storage, then update your catalog configuration with the object store path.

  • The optimizer.mark-distinct-strategy and optimizer.optimize-mixed-distinct-aggregations configuration properties have been removed and are replaced by optimizer.distinct-aggregations-strategy.

  • The bigquery.parallelism configuration property has been removed as scan parallelism is now enabled by default on the BigQuery connector.

  • The hive.experimental.schema-discovery.enabled catalog configuration property has been removed as schema discovery is enabled by default. You must remove this property from the cluster configuration or SEP fails to start.

  • The privacera-starburst plugin has been removed, so access.control=privacera-starburst is an invalid configuration that must be removed from your cluster.

453-e initial changes#



Delta Lake connector#

Hive connector#

Hudi connector#

Iceberg connector#

Netezza connector#

SAP HANA connector#

Snowflake connector#

  • Added support for enforcing DEFINER security authorization during query execution for views when using impersonation.

Teradata connector#

  • Added support for enforcing DEFINER security authorization during query execution for views when using impersonation.

  • Added support for execute procedure.

453-e.1 changes (30 August 2024)#

  • Fixed failure when a user-defined type name contains uppercase characters.

  • Fixed the Trino username incorrectly defaulting to the name of the user running the Trino process when no username is specified.

  • Fixed query failure when file-based network topology is configured with the configuration property.

  • Fixed support for migration of Ranger policies in security zones.

  • Fixed failure for queries involving json_parse() and a cast to array, map, or row.

  • Fixed performance issues with partitioned table when using Lake Formation integration in Hive connector.

  • Fixed an issue that affected managed statistics collection on wide Teradata tables in specific circumstances.

453-e.2 changes (13 Sep 2024)#

  • Fixed an issue which prevented sysadmin role from using Schema Discovery UX. To run schema discovery, the service account referenced by schema-discovery.starburst-user must be listed in starburst.access-control.authorized-users.

  • Fixed a bug that caused cluster metrics to be created with incorrect intervals and subsequently led to loss of cluster metrics data.

  • Fixed query failures when Parquet files contain column names that only differ in case.

  • Fixed memory tracking issue for aggregations that could cause worker crashes with out-of-memory errors.

  • Fixed UI regression caused by incorrect property name.

  • Fixed Run and troubleshoot feature when insights.authorized-groups configuration property contains authorized groups.

  • Fixed numeric overflow during managed statistics computation for large tables in Teradata mode session.

453-e.3 was skipped.

453-e.4 changes (18 Oct 2024)#

  • Enabled Warp Speed REST extensions by default.

  • Fixed coordinator startup failure when Ranger configuration referenced secrets.

  • Fixed failures with queries using table functions when parent-project-id is defined.

  • Fixed OpenX JSON decoding a JSON array line that resulted in data being written to the wrong output column.

  • Fixed reading large Prometheus responses.

  • Fixed query failure when bigquery.service-cache-ttl configuration property is not 0ms and case-insensitive-name-matching is enabled.

  • Fixed rare bug causing long planning times when Hive metastore caching is enabled.

  • Fixed failures for count(*) queries with predicates containing non-ASCII strings.

  • Fixed failure when is enabled and is set to 0m.

  • Fixed issue with result caching configuration provider which caused coordinator failures in non-AWS environments.

453-e.5 changes (4 Nov 2024)#

  • Added support for tinyint or smallint to integer type coercion in Iceberg.

  • Use hive.metastore.partition-batch-size.max config property value in sync_partition_metadata procedure. The default batch size is changed to 100 from 1000.

  • Updated Iceberg connector migration procedure to use nullable columns by default.

  • Fixed query failure in MaxCompute connector when additional projects are specified with maxcompute.additional-projects.

453-e.6 changes (14 Nov 2024)#

  • Fixed memory leak in InMemoryEventClient within cache service.

  • Fixed incorrect results when reading array columns and bigquery.arrow-serialization.enabled is set to true.

453-e.7 changes (27 Nov 2024)#

  • Improved performance when using various string functions in queries involving joins.

  • Fixed insert of invalid time zone data for tables using the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type.

  • Fixed incorrect results for queries filtering on a partition columns and the NAME column mapping is used.

  • Fixed server error responses printing unprocessed user input.

  • Fixed query failures on impersonated Hive during delegated authentication checks.

453-e.8 changes (13 Dec 2024)#

  • Updated query result caching to use session property managers to resolve session property defaults and ensure that they are consistently applied.

  • Fixed incorrect column length of VARCHAR type in SingleStore version 8.

  • Fixed failure of S3 file listing of buckets that enforce requester pays.

  • Fixed incorrect quoting of output values when the CSV_UNQUOTED or CSV_HEADER_UNQUOTED format is used.

453-e.9 changes (15 Jan 2025)#

  • Starburst Helm charts are no longer accessible through the ChartMuseum API. Instead, use the OCI API.

  • Updated OpenSSL and libcurl native dependencies in Teradata Direct table operator.

  • Fixed issue with hanging queries in Teradata Direct connector.

  • Fixed query failures or missing statistics in SHOW STATS when a connector returns NaN values for table statistics.

  • Fixed failure when writing concurrently with transformed partition columns.

  • Fixed an issue where Unity metastore returned an exception when attempting to list tables for a non-existent schema.

  • Fixed incorrect tables displayed by catalogs when multiple DynamoDB catalogs using IAM role auth were attached to the same cluster.

  • Fixed a bug that caused querying issues in the query editor when results cache is enabled.

  • Fixed correctness issue when reading deletion vectors in Delta Lake.

453-e.10 changes (5 Feb 2025)#

  • Fixed a bug when reading from Spark-managed Iceberg tables with nested columns.

453-e.11 changes (19 Feb 2025)#

  • Enforced access control for new tables in the register_table procedure.

  • Fixed parsing of negative hexadecimal, octal, and binary numeric literals.

  • Fixed failures with recursive delete operations on S3Express preventing usage of fault-tolerant execution.

  • Fixed failure when updating values to NULL.

  • Fixed catalog information in JMX metrics when using file system caching with multiple catalogs.

453-e.12 changes (28 Feb 2025)#

  • Fixed failure when using uppercase variable names in SQL user-defined functions.

  • Fixed failures of the array_histogram() function when the input contains null values.

  • Fixed potential table corruption when using the vacuum procedure in Delta Lake.

453-e.13 changes (18 Mar 2025)#

  • Fixed column masks not applying to columns in views with non-lowercase names.

  • Fixed failures caused by tables with case-sensitive name conflicts.

  • Prevented failures when fault-tolerant execution is configured with an exchange manager that uses Azure storage with workload identity.