Release 394 (29 Aug 2022)#


  • Add support for JSON as an output format of EXPLAIN. (#12968)

  • Improve performance of queries involving joins on a single bigint column. (#13432)

  • Improve performance of LIKE expressions. (#13479)

  • Ensure UPDATE queries cannot insert null values into columns with a NOT NULL constraint. (#13435)

  • Fix failure when an UPDATE query contains a WHERE clause which always evaluates to false. (#12422)

  • Fix potential failure for queries involving joins and implicit or explicit casts of null to a concrete type. (#13565)

Docker image#

  • Ensure Trino stops running with insufficient resources to avoid partial failures. (#13736)

BigQuery connector#

  • Add query table function for full query pass-through to the connector. (#12502)

  • Add support for the INSERT statement. (#6868)

  • Add support for the CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... statement. (#6869)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Disallow adding a column with a NOT NULL constraint to a table which is not empty. (#13785)

  • Fix failure when reading Parquet data that contains only null values. (#9424)

  • Fix potential failure of unrelated queries after dropping a schema. (#13810)

Druid connector#

  • Improve performance of queries that perform filtering on varchar columns that contain temporal data with the format YYYY-MM-DD. (#12925)

Elasticsearch connector#

  • Add support for multiple hosts in the configuration property. (#12530)

Hive connector#

  • Add support for a Kerberos credential cache. (#13482)

  • Fix failure when reading Parquet data that contains only null values. (#9424)

  • Fix failure when the metastore returns duplicated column statistics. (#13787)

  • Fix potential failure of unrelated queries after dropping a schema. (#13810)

Iceberg connector#

  • Improve query planning performance when a varchar partitioning column contains date values in the YYYY-MM-DD format. (#12925)

  • Fix query failure when using the [VERSION | TIMESTAMP] AS OF clause on a table created with Iceberg versions older than 0.12. (#13613)

  • Fix failure when reading Parquet data that contains only null values. (#9424)

Oracle connector#

  • Improve performance of queries that perform filtering on varchar columns that contain temporal data with the format YYYY-MM-DD. (#12925)

Phoenix connector#

  • Improve performance of queries that perform filtering on varchar columns that contain temporal data with the format YYYY-MM-DD. (#12925)

Pinot connector#

  • Add support for TLS when connecting to the Pinot controllers and brokers. (#13410)

  • Fix query failure when using the HAVING clause. (#13429)

PostgreSQL connector#

  • Improve performance of queries that perform filtering on varchar columns that contain temporal data with the format YYYY-MM-DD. (#12925)

  • Prevent using a column name which is longer than the maximum length supported by PostgreSQL. Previously, long names were truncated. (#13742)

SQL Server connector#

  • Prevent renaming a column to a name which is longer than the maximum length supported by SQL Server. Previously, long names were truncated. (#13742)


  • Add the query plan in JSON format to QueryCompletedEvent, and allow connectors to request anonymized query plans in the QueryCompletedEvent. (#12968)