Release 379 (28 Apr 2022)#


  • Add MariaDB connector. (#10046)

  • Improve performance of queries that contain JOIN and UNION clauses. (#11935)

  • Improve performance of queries that contain GROUP BY clauses. (#12095)

  • Fail DROP TABLE IF EXISTS when deleted entity is not a table. Previously the statement did not delete anything. (#11555)

  • Fail DROP VIEW IF EXISTS when deleted entity is not a view. Previously the statement did not delete anything. (#11555)

  • Fail DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW IF EXISTS when deleted entity is not a materialized view. Previously the statement did not delete anything. (#11555)

Web UI#

  • Group information about tasks by stage. (#12099)

  • Show aggregated statistics for failed tasks of queries that are executed with retry-policy set to TASK. (#12099)

  • Fix reporting of physical input read time. (#12135)

Delta Lake connector#

  • Add support for Google Cloud Storage. (#12144)

  • Fix failure when reading from information_schema.columns when non-Delta tables are present in the metastore. (#12122)

Iceberg connector#

  • Add support for DELETE with arbitrary predicates. (#11886)

  • Improve compatibility when Glue storage properties are used. (#12164)

  • Prevent data loss when queries modify a table concurrently when Glue catalog is used. (#11713)

  • Enable commit retries when conflicts occur writing a transaction to a Hive Metastore. (#12419)

  • Always return the number of deleted rows for DELETE statements. (#12055)

Pinot connector#

  • Add support for Pinot 0.10. (#11475)

Redis connector#

  • Improve performance when reading data from Redis. (#12108)

SQL Server connector#

  • Properly apply snapshot isolation to all connections when it is enabled. (#11662)