What a great day it is for our AWS Marketplace users! Building on the success of our CFT-based marketplace offering and the superior deployment platform EKS, we bring you the brand new AWS Marketplace EKS offering.
With EKS offered in the AWS marketplace, customers get to enjoy streamlined configuration and installation, automated deployment, and billing through AWS. The new EKS offering also includes a pay-as-you-go option that is extremely convenient to get started and scale your usage on demand. It also takes into account any downtimes in which you decide to shut off your clusters.
The whole marketplace offering is based on the mature tooling for enterprise customer, who manage the deployment in the Kubernetes clusters themselves. The documentation for these used Helm charts including requirements, examples, and many useful tips and tricks is available in our documentation as usual.
The contract billing option even supports using the more performant and cost-effective ARM-64 processor option.
We encourage all new marketplace customers to use the new EKS offering. Users of the CFT offering might want to give it a try and consider migrating.
Reach out if you need more help, or want to provide some feedback.
Jessie and Kevin