Installation guide#

You can proceed with the installation of Starburst Admin using the following steps, after preparing the control node and the managed cluster nodes.

Define the inventory#

Before using the playbooks, you need to edit the Ansible inventory file, hosts, to define where to install the software:

  1. Copy the playbooks/hosts.example inventory file to playbooks, name it hosts and set the hostname for your coordinator and your worker(s).

  2. Set the environment variable ANSIBLE_INVENTORY to the absolute path of the hosts file, for example:

    export ANSIBLE_INVENTORY=~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/starburst/admin/playbooks/hosts
  3. Specify the IP address of the single coordinator host and one or more worker hosts.

  4. Set the username for Ansible to connect to the host with SSH with ansible_user for each host.

  5. Set the password value with ansible_password or use a path to a private key using ansible_ssh_private_key_file.

The following snippet shows a simple example with one coordinator and two workers:

[coordinator] ansible_user=root ansible_password=changeme

[worker] ansible_user=root ansible_password=changeme ansible_user=root ansible_password=changeme

Run the Ansible ping command to validate connectivity to the hosts:

$ ansible all -m ping -i playbooks/hosts | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Alternatively to using ANSIBLE_INVENTORY for the location of the hosts file, you can create an ansible.cfg file in the root directory of starburst-admin (typically ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/starburst/admin/) with the setting inventory=playbooks/hosts in the [defaults] section and run the commands from that folder.


You can also specify the hosts file when running the ansible-playbook command with the -i <hostsfile> parameter.

Maintaining multiple host files and potentially multiple sets of configuration files enable you to manage multiple clusters.

Provide Starburst Enterprise package#

Decide if you want to use the RPM or tarball installation. RPM requires sudo access and installs files in specific folders. When using the tarball, custom folders can be specified, and they don’t have to be owned by root.

Download the binary archive and place it in the files directory.

Alternatively, configure the installer_url in playbooks/vars.yml to point to a URL that is available from all your cluster nodes to download the package directly.

Reference the documentation about the install playbook to learn more about all the relevant configuration steps and options.

Create minimal configuration#

The default configuration is managed in separate configuration files in files as well as variables defined in in playbooks/vars.yml. It is suitable to get started after the following adjustments:

  • Update the version value in vars.yml to the version of downloaded binary file.

    For example, if you are deploying starburst-enterprise-364-e.4.rpm, the correct version is 364-e.4.

    Other examples are 365 for Trino, 365-e for the SEP STS release, and 360-e.8 for a specific patch version of another SEP LTS release.

  • Set the node_environment value in vars.yml to the desired cluster name.

  • Update the Java heap space memory configuration -Xmx16G in files/coordinator/jvm.config.j2 and files/worker/jvm.config.j2 to about 80% of the total available memory on each host.

  • Remove the query.* properties in files/coordinator/ and files/worker/ if you are using Starburst Admin 1.0.0. Newer version do not include these properties. Starburst Admin calculates optimal values automatically.

  • Add the Starburst Enterprise license file to files/extra/etc as etc/starburstdata.license. For more information, see Push configurations

For installation as a non-root user, the following additional changes are required in playbooks/vars.yml:

  • Set the become_root variable to no.

  • Set the directory variables to point to the installation directory, similar to the following example for installing to /opt/starburst:

installation_root: /opt/starburst
data_directory: "{{ installation_root }}/data"
etc_directory: "{{ installation_root }}/etc"
log_directory: "{{ installation_root }}/log"

The default setup includes a tpch catalog, that you can use to test queries and ensure the cluster is operational.

If you are using the tarball, you can edit the target installation paths.

Proceed with this simple configuration until you have verified that the cluster can be started and used, and then follow up with more configuration and changes.

Reference the documentation about the push-configs playbook to learn more about all the relevant configuration steps and options.

The operation guides include numerous tips and tricks for these next steps for your deployment.

Run installation and start the cluster#

You are finally ready to get Starburst Enterprise installed on all cluster nodes. The following steps copy the package to all cluster nodes and install it. Ansible creates the necessary configuration files from files and the defined variables to the nodes, and starts the application on all of them:

ansible-playbook playbooks/install.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/push-configs.yml
ansible-playbook playbooks/start.yml

Accessing the Web UI#

A first step to validate the cluster is to log in to the Web UI:

  • Navigate to port 8080 on the coordinator host with the IP address or the configured fully qualified domain name.

  • Login with any username.

  • Verify the displayed number of workers equals the number of workers in the hosts file.

Connecting with clients#

You can use the CLI or any other client to connect to the cluster and verify that the tpch catalog is available.

Managing configuration#

For production usage you need to manage a separate set of all configuration files for each cluster you operate. It is also important to keep track of any changes. Typically a version control system such as Git is used.

You can also expand your processes to automatic management with a GitOps workflow and tools such as Ansible Tower or Concord.

Next steps#

After the successful installation and first initial tests, you can proceed to read about all the available playbooks and learn about updating and operating the cluster.