System access control#

A system access control enforces authorization at a global level, before any connector level authorization. You can use one of the built-in implementations in Trino, or provide your own by following the guidelines in System access control.

To use a system access control, add an etc/ file with the following content and the desired system access control name on all cluster nodes:

Multiple access control systems#

Multiple system access control implementations may be configured at once using the access-control.config-files configuration property. It must contain a comma-separated list of the access control property files to use, rather than the default etc/ Relative paths from the Trino INSTALL_PATH or absolute paths are supported. Each system is configured in a separate configuration file.

The configured access control systems are checked until access rights are denied by a system. If no denies are issued by any system, the request is granted. Therefore all configured access control systems are used and evaluated for each request that is granted.

Trino offers the following built-in system access control implementations:




All operations are permitted, except for user impersonation and triggering Graceful shutdown.

This is the default access control if none are configured.


All operations are permitted.


Operations that read data or metadata are permitted, but none of the operations that write data or metadata are allowed.


Authorization rules are specified in a config file. See File-based access control.

If you want to limit access on a system level in any other way than the ones listed above, you must implement a custom System access control.

Access control must be configured on the coordinator. Authorization for operations on specific worker nodes, such a triggering Graceful shutdown, must also be configured on all workers.

Read only system access control#

This access control allows any operation that reads data or metadata, such as SELECT or SHOW. Setting system level or catalog level session properties is also permitted. However, any operation that writes data or metadata, such as CREATE, INSERT or DELETE, is prohibited. To use this access control, add an etc/ file with the following contents: