Redshift connector#

The Redshift connector lets you query and create tables in an external Amazon Redshift cluster.

SEP includes an enterprise-grade Redshift connector independent from the Trino Redshift connector. For more information on key feature differences between Trino and SEP, see the connectors feature matrix.


To connect to Redshift, you need:


To configure a Redshift catalog, create a catalog properties file that specifies the Redshift connector by setting the to redshift.

For example, to access a database as the example catalog, create the file etc/catalog/ Replace the connection properties as appropriate for your setup:

The connection-user and connection-password are typically required and determine the user credentials for the connection, often a service user. You can use secrets to avoid exposing actual values in the catalog properties files.

Connection security#

If you have TLS configured with a globally-trusted certificate installed on your data source, you can enable TLS between your cluster and the data source by appending a parameter to the JDBC connection string set in the connection-url catalog configuration property.

In version 2.1 of the Redshift JDBC driver, TLS/SSL is enabled by default with the SSL parameter. You can disable or configure TLS by appending parameters to the connection-url configuration property:


For more information on TLS configuration options, see the Redshift JDBC driver documentation.

Data source authentication#

The connector can provide credentials for the data source connection in multiple ways:

  • inline, in the connector configuration file

  • in a separate properties file

  • in a key store file

  • as extra credentials set when connecting to Trino

You can use secrets to avoid storing sensitive values in the catalog properties files.

The following table describes configuration properties for connection credentials:

Property name



Type of the credential provider. Must be one of INLINE, FILE, or KEYSTORE; defaults to INLINE.


Connection user name.


Connection password.


Name of the extra credentials property, whose value to use as the user name. See extraCredentials in Parameter reference.


Name of the extra credentials property, whose value to use as the password.


Location of the properties file where credentials are present. It must contain the connection-user and connection-password properties.


The location of the Java Keystore file, from which to read credentials.


File format of the keystore file, for example JKS or PEM.


Password for the key store.


Name of the key store entity to use as the user name.


Password for the user name key store entity.


Name of the key store entity to use as the password.


Password for the password key store entity.

Multiple Redshift databases or clusters#

By default, the Redshift connector can only access a single database within a Redshift cluster. Enable the redshift.database-prefix-for-schema.enabled catalog configuration property to access multiple databases on a Redshift cluster as described in the following table:

Starburst Redshift connector configuration properties#

Property name




Allow access to other databases in Redshift by including the database name in double quotes with the schema name:

    SELECT *
    FROM catalog."database.schema".table

When enabled, "database.schema", including the double quotes, is required at all times as part of the fully-qualified name. Enabling this feature also disables write operations making it so the catalog only supports globally available and read operation SQL statements.


To connect to multiple Redshift clusters, you must configure additional catalogs using the Redshift connector for each cluster.

General configuration properties#

The following table describes general catalog configuration properties for the connector:

Property name



Support case insensitive schema and table names. Defaults to false.


Duration for which case insensitive schema and table names are cached. Defaults to 1m.


Path to a name mapping configuration file in JSON format that allows Trino to disambiguate between schemas and tables with similar names in different cases. Defaults to null.


Frequency with which Trino checks the name matching configuration file for changes. The duration value defaults to 0s (refresh disabled).


Duration for which metadata, including table and column statistics, is cached. Defaults to 0s (caching disabled).


Cache the fact that metadata, including table and column statistics, is not available. Defaults to false.


Duration for which schema metadata is cached. Defaults to the value of metadata.cache-ttl.


Duration for which table metadata is cached. Defaults to the value of metadata.cache-ttl.


Duration for which tables statistics are cached. Defaults to the value of metadata.cache-ttl.


Maximum number of objects stored in the metadata cache. Defaults to 10000.


Maximum number of statements in a batched execution. Do not change this setting from the default. Non-default values may negatively impact performance. Defaults to 1000.


Push down dynamic filters into JDBC queries. Defaults to true.


Maximum duration for which Trino waits for dynamic filters to be collected from the build side of joins before starting a JDBC query. Using a large timeout can potentially result in more detailed dynamic filters. However, it can also increase latency for some queries. Defaults to 20s.

Appending query metadata#

The optional parameter query.comment-format allows you to configure a SQL comment that is sent to the datasource with each query. The format of this comment can contain any characters and the following metadata:

  • $QUERY_ID: The identifier of the query.

  • $USER: The name of the user who submits the query to Trino.

  • $SOURCE: The identifier of the client tool used to submit the query, for example trino-cli.

  • $TRACE_TOKEN: The trace token configured with the client tool.

The comment can provide more context about the query. This additional information is available in the logs of the datasource. To include environment variables from the Trino cluster with the comment , use the ${ENV:VARIABLE-NAME} syntax.

The following example sets a simple comment that identifies each query sent by Trino:

query.comment-format=Query sent by Trino.

With this configuration, a query such as SELECT * FROM example_table; is sent to the datasource with the comment appended:

SELECT * FROM example_table; /*Query sent by Trino.*/

The following example improves on the preceding example by using metadata:

query.comment-format=Query $QUERY_ID sent by user $USER from Trino.

If Jane sent the query with the query identifier 20230622_180528_00000_bkizg, the following comment string is sent to the datasource:

SELECT * FROM example_table; /*Query 20230622_180528_00000_bkizg sent by user Jane from Trino.*/


Certain JDBC driver settings and logging configurations might cause the comment to be removed.

Domain compaction threshold#

Pushing down a large list of predicates to the data source can compromise performance. Trino compacts large predicates into a simpler range predicate by default to ensure a balance between performance and predicate pushdown. If necessary, the threshold for this compaction can be increased to improve performance when the data source is capable of taking advantage of large predicates. Increasing this threshold may improve pushdown of large dynamic filters. The domain-compaction-threshold catalog configuration property or the domain_compaction_threshold catalog session property can be used to adjust the default value of 256 for this threshold.

Case insensitive matching#

When case-insensitive-name-matching is set to true, Trino is able to query non-lowercase schemas and tables by maintaining a mapping of the lowercase name to the actual name in the remote system. However, if two schemas and/or tables have names that differ only in case (such as “customers” and “Customers”) then Trino fails to query them due to ambiguity.

In these cases, use the case-insensitive-name-matching.config-file catalog configuration property to specify a configuration file that maps these remote schemas/tables to their respective Trino schemas/tables:

  "schemas": [
      "remoteSchema": "CaseSensitiveName",
      "mapping": "case_insensitive_1"
      "remoteSchema": "cASEsENSITIVEnAME",
      "mapping": "case_insensitive_2"
  "tables": [
      "remoteSchema": "CaseSensitiveName",
      "remoteTable": "tablex",
      "mapping": "table_1"
      "remoteSchema": "CaseSensitiveName",
      "remoteTable": "TABLEX",
      "mapping": "table_2"

Queries against one of the tables or schemes defined in the mapping attributes are run against the corresponding remote entity. For example, a query against tables in the case_insensitive_1 schema is forwarded to the CaseSensitiveName schema and a query against case_insensitive_2 is forwarded to the cASEsENSITIVEnAME schema.

At the table mapping level, a query on case_insensitive_1.table_1 as configured above is forwarded to CaseSensitiveName.tablex, and a query on case_insensitive_1.table_2 is forwarded to CaseSensitiveName.TABLEX.

By default, when a change is made to the mapping configuration file, Trino must be restarted to load the changes. Optionally, you can set the case-insensitive-name-matching.config-file.refresh-period to have Trino refresh the properties without requiring a restart:


Non-transactional INSERT#

The connector supports adding rows using INSERT statements. By default, data insertion is performed by writing data to a temporary table. You can skip this step to improve performance and write directly to the target table. Set the insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled catalog property or the corresponding non_transactional_insert catalog session property to true.

Note that with this property enabled, data can be corrupted in rare cases where exceptions occur during the insert operation. With transactions disabled, no rollback can be performed.

Fault-tolerant execution support#

The connector supports Fault-tolerant execution of query processing. Read and write operations are both supported with any retry policy.

Querying Redshift#

The Redshift connector provides a schema for every Redshift database.

Run SHOW SCHEMAS to see the available schemas in your Redshift database:



If you used a different name for your catalog properties file, use that catalog name instead of example.

If you have a Redshift database named web, run SHOW TABLES to see the tables it contains:

SHOW TABLES FROM example.web;

To see a list of the columns in the clicks table in the web database, run either of the following:

DESCRIBE example.web.clicks;
SHOW COLUMNS FROM example.web.clicks;

To access the clicks table in the web database, run the following:

SELECT * FROM example.web.clicks;

Type mapping#

Because SEP and Redshift each support types that the other does not, this connector modifies some types when reading or writing data.

Redshift to SEP type mapping#

This connector supports reading the following Redshift types and performs conversion to SEP types with the detailed mappings as shown in the following table.

Redshift to SEP type mapping#

Redshift database type

SEP type


















Redshift’s BPCHAR is equivalent to CHAR(256).



Redshift’s TEXT is equivalent to VARCHAR(256).





See Mapping datetime types



See Mapping datetime types

No other types are supported.

SEP to Redshift type mapping#

This connector supports writing the following SEP types and performs conversion to Redshift types with the detailed mappings as shown in the following table.

SEP to Redshift type mapping#

SEP type

Redshift type




















For n up to 4096.



For n from 4096 to 65535.



For n above 65535.



For n up to 65535.



For n above 65535.



When no bound is given.





See Mapping datetime types



See Mapping datetime types

No other types are supported.

Mapping datetime types#

Redshift’s TIME and TIMESTAMP types only support microsecond precision (6 digits). When writing data with higher precision from SEP to Redshift, the time is rounded to the nearest microsecond before being inserted.

SQL support#

The connector provides read and write access to data and metadata in Redshift. In addition to the globally available and read operation statements, the connector supports the following features:


When the redshift.database-prefix-for-schema.enabled catalog configuration property is enabled, the connector only supports globally available and read operation SQL statements.

Non-transactional INSERT#

The connector supports adding rows using INSERT statements. By default, data insertion is performed by writing data to a temporary table. You can skip this step to improve performance and write directly to the target table. Set the insert.non-transactional-insert.enabled catalog property or the corresponding non_transactional_insert catalog session property to true.

Note that with this property enabled, data can be corrupted in rare cases where exceptions occur during the insert operation. With transactions disabled, no rollback can be performed.

UPDATE limitation#

Only UPDATE statements with constant assignments and predicates are supported. For example, the following statement is supported because the values assigned are constants:

UPDATE table SET col1 = 1 WHERE col3 = 1

Arithmetic expressions, function calls, and other non-constant UPDATE statements are not supported. For example, the following statement is not supported because arithmetic expressions cannot be used with the SET command:

UPDATE table SET col1 = col2 + 2 WHERE col3 = 1

All column values of a table row cannot be updated simultaneously. For a three column table, the following statement is not supported:

UPDATE table SET col1 = 1, col2 = 2, col3 = 3 WHERE col3 = 1

DELETE limitation#

If a WHERE clause is specified, the DELETE operation only works if the predicate in the clause can be fully pushed down to the data source.


This connector supports the following commands for use with ALTER TABLE EXECUTE:


The collect_statistics command is used with Managed statistics to collect statistics for a table and its columns.

The following statement collects statistics for the example_table table and all of its columns:

ALTER TABLE example_table EXECUTE collect_statistics;

Collecting statistics for all columns in a table may be unnecessarily performance-intensive, especially for wide tables. To only collect statistics for a subset of columns, you can include the columns parameter with an array of column names. For example:

ALTER TABLE example_table
    EXECUTE collect_statistics(columns => ARRAY['customer','line_item']);


The connector does not support renaming tables across multiple schemas. For example, the following statement is supported:

ALTER TABLE example.schema_one.table_one RENAME TO example.schema_one.table_two

The following statement attempts to rename a table across schemas, and therefore is not supported:

ALTER TABLE example.schema_one.table_one RENAME TO example.schema_two.table_two

ALTER SCHEMA limitation#

The connector supports renaming a schema with the ALTER SCHEMA RENAME statement. ALTER SCHEMA SET AUTHORIZATION is not supported.



Flush JDBC metadata caches. For example, the following system call flushes the metadata caches for all schemas in the example catalog

USE example.example_schema;
CALL system.flush_metadata_cache();


The execute procedure allows you to execute a query in the underlying data source directly. The query must use supported syntax of the connected data source. Use the procedure to access features which are not available in Trino or to execute queries that return no result set and therefore can not be used with the query or raw_query pass-through table function. Typical use cases are statements that create or alter objects, and require native feature such as constraints, default values, automatic identifier creation, or indexes. Queries can also invoke statements that insert, update, or delete data, and do not return any data as a result.

The query text is not parsed by Trino, only passed through, and therefore only subject to any security or access control of the underlying data source.

The following example sets the current database to the example_schema of the example catalog. Then it calls the procedure in that schema to drop the default value from your_column on your_table table using the standard SQL syntax in the parameter value assigned for query:

USE example.example_schema;
CALL system.execute(query => 'ALTER TABLE your_table ALTER COLUMN your_column DROP DEFAULT');

Verify that the specific database supports this syntax, and adapt as necessary based on the documentation for the specific connected database and database version.

Table functions#

The connector provides specific table functions to access Redshift.

query(VARCHAR) -> table#

The query function lets you query the underlying database directly. It requires syntax native to Redshift because the full query is pushed down and processed in Redshift. This can be useful for accessing native features which are not implemented in SEP, or for improving query performance in situations where running a query natively may be faster.

The native query passed to the underlying data source is required to return a table as a result set. Only the data source performs validation or security checks for these queries using its own configuration. Trino does not perform these tasks. Only use passthrough queries to read data.


The query engine does not preserve the order of the results of this function. If the passed query contains an ORDER BY clause, the function result may not be ordered as expected.

For example, select the top 10 nations by population:

      query => 'SELECT
        TOP 10 *
      ORDER BY
        population DESC'


The connector includes a number of performance features, detailed in the following sections.

Table statistics#

The connector can use table and column statistics for cost based optimizations to improve query processing performance based on the actual data in the data source.

The statistics are collected by Redshift and retrieved by the connector.

ANALYZE may be run automatically depending on your Redshift configuration. To manually collect statistics for a table, run the following statement:

ANALYZE table_schema.table_name;

Refer to the Redshift documentation for information about ANALYZE options, limitations, and additional considerations.

Managed statistics#

The connector supports Managed statistics which lets SEP to collect and store its own table and column statistics that can then be used for performance optimizations in query planning.

Statistics must be collected manually using the built-in collect_statistics command, see ALTER TABLE EXECUTE for details and examples.

Dynamic filtering#

Dynamic filtering is enabled by default. It causes the connector to wait for dynamic filtering to complete before starting a JDBC query.

You can disable dynamic filtering by setting the dynamic-filtering.enabled property in your catalog configuration file to false.

Wait timeout#

By default, table scans on the connector are delayed up to 20 seconds until dynamic filters are collected from the build side of joins. Using a large timeout can potentially result in more detailed dynamic filters. However, it can also increase latency for some queries.

You can configure the dynamic-filtering.wait-timeout property in your catalog properties file:


You can use the dynamic_filtering_wait_timeout catalog session property in a specific session:

SET SESSION example.dynamic_filtering_wait_timeout = 1s;


The maximum size of dynamic filter predicate, that is pushed down to the connector during table scan for a column, is configured using the domain-compaction-threshold property in the catalog properties file:


You can use the domain_compaction_threshold catalog session property:

SET SESSION domain_compaction_threshold = 10;

By default, domain-compaction-threshold is set to 256. When the dynamic predicate for a column exceeds this threshold, it is compacted into a single range predicate.

For example, if the dynamic filter collected for a date column dt on the fact table selects more than 32 days, the filtering condition is simplified from dt IN ('2020-01-10', '2020-01-12',..., '2020-05-30') to dt BETWEEN '2020-01-10' AND '2020-05-30'. Using a large threshold can result in increased table scan overhead due to a large IN list getting pushed down to the data source.


Metrics about dynamic filtering are reported in a JMX table for each catalog:


Metrics include information about the total number of dynamic filters, the number of completed dynamic filters, the number of available dynamic filters and the time spent waiting for dynamic filters.


The connector supports pushdown for a number of operations:

Aggregate pushdown for the following functions:

Cost-based join pushdown#

The connector supports cost-based Join pushdown to make intelligent decisions about whether to push down a join operation to the data source.

When cost-based join pushdown is enabled, the connector only pushes down join operations if the available Table statistics suggest that doing so improves performance. Note that if no table statistics are available, join operation pushdown does not occur to avoid a potential decrease in query performance.

The following table describes catalog configuration properties for join pushdown:

Property name


Default value


Enable join pushdown. Equivalent catalog session property is join_pushdown_enabled.



Strategy used to evaluate whether join operations are pushed down. Set to AUTOMATIC to enable cost-based join pushdown, or EAGER to push down joins whenever possible. Note that EAGER can push down joins even when table statistics are unavailable, which may result in degraded query performance. Because of this, EAGER is only recommended for testing and troubleshooting purposes.



The connector does not push down queries with a GROUP BY and WHERE clause on the same column for tables using ALL or AUTO(ALL) distribution styles due to a limitation in Redshift. You can work around this by changing the table to use an EVEN or KEY distribution style as described in the Redshift documentation.

Predicate pushdown support#

Predicates are pushed down for most types.

Equality predicates such as IN or = and inequality predicates such as != on columns with textual types are pushed down.

To ensure correctness of results, the connector does not support pushdown of range predicates such as >, <, or BETWEEN, on columns with character string types like CHAR or VARCHAR.

In the following example, the predicate of the first query is not pushed down since name is a column of type VARCHAR and > is a range predicate. The other queries are pushed down.

-- Not pushed down
SELECT * FROM nation WHERE name > 'CANADA';
-- Pushed down
SELECT * FROM nation WHERE name != 'CANADA';
SELECT * FROM nation WHERE name = 'CANADA';

Starburst Cached Views#

The connector supports table scan redirection to improve performance and reduce load on the data source.

Parallel read via S3#

The connector supports the Redshift UNLOAD command to transfer data to Parquet files on S3. This enables parallel read of the data in Trino instead of the default, single-threaded JDBC-based connection to Redshift, used by the connector.

Configure the required S3 location with redshift.unload-location to enable the parallel read. Parquet files are automatically removed with query completion. The Redshift cluster and the configured S3 bucket must use the same AWS region.

Parallel read configuration properties#

Property value



A writeable location in Amazon S3 in the same AWS region as the Redshift cluster. Used for temporary storage during query processing using the UNLOAD command from Redshift. To ensure cleanup even for failed automated removal, configure a life cycle policy to auto clean up the bucket regularly.


Optional. Fully specified ARN of the IAM Role attached to the Redshift cluster to use for the UNLOAD command. The role must have read access to the Redshift cluster and write access to the S3 bucket. Defaults to use the default IAM role attached to the Redshift cluster.

Use the unload_enabled catalog session property to deactivate the parallel read during a client session for a specific query, and potentially re-activate it again afterwards.

Additionally, define further required S3 configuration such as IAM key, role, or region, except fs.native-s3.enabled,


The connector includes a number of security-related features, detailed in the following sections.

User impersonation#

The connector supports user impersonation.

Add the following property to the catalog properties file to enable user impersonation:


User impersonation in the Redshift connector is based on SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION. For more information, see the Redshift documentation.


Running SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION in Redshift requires the initial connection user to be a superuser.

Password credential pass-through#

The connector supports password credential pass-through. To enable it, edit the catalog properties file to include the following authentication type:


For more information about configurations and limitations, see Password credential pass-through.

AWS IAM authentication#

The connector supports IAM user authentication with an access key ID and secret access key. This feature lets you manage access control from SEP with IAM policies.


To enable IAM authentication, add the following configuration properties to the catalog configuration file:

aws.region-name=<AWS region>

This table describes the configuration properties for IAM authentication:

IAM configuration properties#

Property name



The name of the AWS region in which the Redshift instance is deployed.


The access key of the principal to authenticate with for the token generator service. Used for fixed authentication, setting this property disables automatic authentication.


The secret key of the principal to authenticate with for the token generator service. Used for fixed authentication, setting this property disables automatic authentication.


(Optional) A session token for temporary credentials, such as credentials obtained from SSO. Used for fixed authentication, setting this property disables automatic authentication.


By default the connector attempts to automatically obtain its authentication credentials from the environment. The default credential provider chain attempts to obtain credentials from the following sources, in order:


  2. Java system properties: aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey.

  3. Web identity token: credentials from the environment or container.

  4. Credential profiles file: a profiles file at the default location (~/.aws/credentials) shared by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI.

  5. EC2 service credentials: credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 container service, assuming the security manager has permission to access the value of the AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI environment variable.

  6. Instance profile credentials: credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service.

If the SEP cluster is running on an EC2 instance, these credentials most likely come from the metadata service.

Alternatively, you can set fixed credentials for authentication. This option disables the container’s automatic attempt to locate credentials. To use fixed credentials for authentication, set the following configuration properties:


# (Optional) You can use temporary credentials. For example, you can use temporary credentials from SSO